
Weird Search Strings

Often I look at the logs that are recorded when someone accesses our blog. Often I see weird things in the search strings that direct traffic to us. I decided to share some of this weirdness with you.

  1. global warming right wing bloggers
  2. This makes me wonder if all this blog-bloviating (blogviating?) is warming the environment.

  3. belzer cocaine
  4. Is Law and Order’s moonbat Belzer not telling us something?

  5. magnetic moondust
  6. This landed here legitimately since I blogged about magnetic moondust properties

  7. Richard Dreyfuss believes 9-11 was an inside job
  8. Somebody has their Star Whores mixed up – Charlie Sheen thinks that.

  9. Animated Porn
  10. You won’t find any of that here . . .

  11. girls of California beaches
  12. You won’t find any of that here either . . .

  13. zuma beach body washes
  14. Perhaps someone looking for animated beach porn girls in the bath house? Sorry, look elsewhere . . .

  15. Magnetic Beard Toy
  16. I wonder if the searcher was surprised to see a picture of Neil Gabler who looks like such a toy.

  17. solar minimum and the effect on hurricanes
  18. This isn’t silly at all. I’m glad that people searching for this information have an opportunity to get our viewpoint on environmental topics.

  19. whiskey barrel planters los angeles
  20. Damsel blogged about one of her flowers that is planted in a whiskey barrel, but it’s not in Los Angeles.

  21. photos of temperate zone damselfish
  22. This is also legitimate. See Damsel’s Damselfish.

  23. Neal Boortz Optical Illusion Girl
  24. Maybe somebody thought he heard that Neal had a vision about animated porn beach girls in a bath house or something . . .

  25. Madonna the whore of babylon
  26. She’s the whore of a whole lot more than babylon . . .

The Right Quadrant

Usually, I consider on-line tests a waste of time and effort, and that may be true in most cases, but I was intrigued by the results from a poll I saw on another blog last week. So, I took the political preferences on-line test at OkCupid! Politics Test and the results are in: I am socially and economically conservative and am best described as a strong Republican.

Hmmmm . . . I sort of knew that already. What I discovered, however is where I fall with respect to the politics of some famous people:

I consider myself in good company up there between Presidents Reagan and Bush.

John Kerry should be depicted down in the corner with Mahatma Ghandi; Kerry is certainly not a centrist.

Front Line Forum

Michael Yon has inaugurated a new feature on his weblog to enhance coverage of the War on Terror – FRONT LINE FORUM.


Today we open a new frontier. My site gets much traffic and exposure, making this an excellent venue for our people in harm’s way to tell their stories. Please click here for our first story from a soldier in Iraq. The story is well written and complete with photos.

If you know someone at war who would like to submit a story to FLF, many people are waiting to read it. Photographs are encouraged.

Please spread the word about the Frontline Forum–there are graphic links and related resources in the Press Room off the FLF main page.


Michael Yon

(Clarification: Many people have assumed I am in Iraq. I am in Afghanistan. My first dispatch from Afghanistan will be published in about two days.)

Michael Yon

UPDATE: The first article in the new forum is a hit! A home run actually! Blogger TF Boggs submitted an excellent story about some Iraqi kids and families.

No Meme Before It’s Time

Thanks to LinkedinUSAF for the tag on this – Damsel and I had fun figuring out what we would do with it. It took us a while, but we think we’ve accurately answered all questions posed – but not before we gave grave consideration to each item.

I previously equated meme with a chain letter. I was wrong. I now believe it’s a full-blown blogborne pandemic. Anyhow, here’s the way Damsel and I answered this meme:

4 Jobs You Have Had In Your Life

Cap’n Bob:
Newspaper delivery – Los Angeles Herald Express – thrown from a bicycle
U.S. Navy Aircrew Radioman
Toy Engineer – I invented Barbie’s Piano (sorta)
Rocket Scientist – I’d tell ya what I do, but I’d hafta kill ya.

Purveyor of Fast Food/Heimlich Maneuver Specialist
Bartender/Psychological Analyst
OEM Component Sales/Grief Counselor
Product Manager/Dispute Resolution Mediator

4 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over

This is more than 4, but we both collaborated on these:

The Replacements
Die Hard (all)
Fifth Element
The Green Mile
The Kid
Medicine Man
National Treasure
Secondhand Lions
Team America – F*** YEAH!
Transporter I & II
. . . this list could go on since Damsel has a collection of over 650 DVDs

4 TV Shows You Love to Watch

Same thing (we both collaborated on them):
Mail Call (R. Lee Ermey)
Fox News Channel (all shows)
Food Channel (most shows – can’t watch some of the Asian food)
America’s Most Wanted
Anytime Dennis Miller is on

4 Places You Have Lived

Back Home with Mom and Dad
In the Barracks (not Damsel, of course)
In an Apartment
In our own Home
And never in a vehicle

4 Places You Have Been On Vacation

Denali Village Lodge – Alaska, on the banks of the Nenana River
Hotel Hassler, Roma, Italy
Zion National Park
Hotel Metropole, Avalon, (Catalina Island) California

4 GREAT Places Where You Just Said, “Eh ..”


4 Websites You Visit Daily

Selected at random from the MANY sites we read daily:
Steel Turman
Old and Evil
Accidental Verbosity
Demure Thoughts
Yorkie Blog
Garfield Ridge
Jawa Report
Archaeology Blog
Moonbat Monitor

4 Milblogs You Visit Daily

Again, more than four and at random:
A Female Soldier 2
Camp Katrina
Mudville Gazette
One Marine’s View
Sgt Hook
We Support You
Sgt Lori
Military Outpost
Iraq War news
Ask the Soldiers

4 Favorite Foods

Cap’n Bob (one from each of the four food groups):
Red Man

Damsel (a more discriminate palette):
Sweet & Sour Pork
Chicken Fried Steak
Beef Tenderloin Steak (Fillet Mignon)
Chicken Alla Padulese

4 Favorite “Adult Beverages”

Cap’n Bob:
Red Beer (Bloody Mary mix added)
Butter Beer (buttermilk added)
Corona or Pacifico beer (with Mexican food)
Or just plain old beer in a Red, White and Blue can (Bud)

Kendall-Jackson Chardonnay
Bud (cause it makes ya weiser)

4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now

Cap’n Bob:
Watching Electrical Storms over Grand Canyon from a cliffside bar
Having a Birra Peroni at a sidewalk cafe in Florence
Living in California as a Red State
In Damsel’s Loving Arms

Watching rocks change colors at sunset in Zion
Listening to the murmur of the Nenana River
Watching sunset and breakers at a cove near Point Arena, California
Sitting on the backyard swing reading with the Cap’n

4 People to Tag

Welcome Aboard to these new sites displaying the Never Forget Tribute:
Moonbat Monitor
Seeing Red
Shelly’s Ramblings

BAM! You guys are tagged! And thanks!

Tag – We’re It!

Damsel and I have been tagged by LinkedInUSAF to respond to a list of questions in a meme recently seen circulating in the blogosphere. Since the Damsel and I have to collaborate on our answers, it may be a day or two before the meme gets posted here.

Oh, by the way . . . WTF is a meme?

One definition of meme on the Web:

As defined by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976): “a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation.” “Examples of memes are tunes, ideas, catch-phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or of building arches. Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs, so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which, in the broad sense, can be called imitation.

A meme is sort of like a chain letter, I guess.

Over Four Million Never Forget Hits

Today, there have been over four million hits on the Never Forget Tribute. It only passed three million about January 16th, so it got over a million hits in less than a month! The graphic (to the best of my estimation) is seen on over three hundred sites worldwide. Thanks for all those who display it, and thanks to the folks at North American Patriot for their continued generosity in providing the bandwidth for distribution.

By Popular Demand

There has been some interest from other bloggers in this graphic:

Fine with me. Take the following three steps if you wish to display it on your web page:

First download the following two files (right click and select “save link as” or “save target as”):

ugly.swf and ugly.js

Next upload the two files to the directory where your web page source file is.

Finally, edit the web page source; cut and paste the following script where you wish the graphic to appear:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="ugly.js"></script>

That’s all there is to it! If you have problems getting it going, leave a comment here and I will see if I can help.

Disclaimer: this graphic is for entertainment purposes only; to display it is at the user’s discretion and liability.