Richard Belzer – Star Whore

While appearing on Bill Maher’s show, this creep had the following to say about our military men and women:

According to actor and comedian Richard Belzer, American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are too uneducated to be expressing support for the U.S. military mission since they’re just “19 and 20-year-old kids who couldn’t get a job” and “they don’t read twenty newspapers a day.”

You can read the entire article here.

Now, I don’t want to appear uneducated about who’s who in TV Land, but I never heard of this buttugly actor (looks like a cross between Helen Thomas and Ramsey Clark) before he shot off his big mouth on Maher’s show. The article refers to this degenerate as a “comedian” – “commodian” is more like it, given his crappy foul-mouthed way of describing the finest men and women in uniform anywhere. He implies that he “reads twenty newspapers a day.” It’s no surprise this idiot is misinformed if he reads the unsuitable-for-wrapping-garbage LA/NY Times or Washington (com)Post. Hopefully this degenerate, intellectually-challenged weirdo will disappear into obscurity save for his induction into our SWHOS.

Welcome Richard Belzer to the “bad genetics” exhibit in the Star Whores Hall of Shame.

Hat tip Blackfive
