Beltway Kabuki

Heroes Don’t Brag

fake.jpgJohn McCain and I don’t agree on much these days, but today he denounced the president’s obvious attempt to take credit and to capitalize on the work of the Navy Seals true heroes who brought the ultimate punishment to Usama Bin Laden one year ago. McCain characterized Obama’s overt ploy as “bragging” about the mission. I’ll give McCain props, as an actual hero, for calling it like it is.

Image: phony cabinet photo attempting to dramatize the administration’s lame efforts

Ever since the UBL takedown, the administration has been trying to trump their hand , starting with the staged dramatic photo seen here supposedly of high-level cabinet members witnessing the operation, and ultimately, with the president using his position as commander in chief to travel to Afghanistan for some phony meeting with Karzai (two presidents, both enemies of America, together) to sign us up for more bullsh*t agreements on the UBL death anniversary.

The man is truly disgusting . . .

Festering Turd of Healthcare Reform


I think the president made a thinly-veiled threat against the Supreme Court today at a joint press conference with a couple of America’s other enemies – Calderon of Mexico and (to a lesser extent) Harper of Canada.

The president, adopting what he described as the language of conservatives who fret about judicial activism, questioned how an “unelected group of people” could overturn a law approved by Congress.

“I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress,” Obama said.

Strong majority? This festering turd of a healthcare law was passed by a 219-212 margin in the House of Representatives. His “strong majority” characterization is just another example of how out of touch with reality the president is. Fifty-six percent of Americans reject the mandate – there’s the “strong majority” on this issue.

Cartoon via The Patriot Post. Click to enlarge.

No Plan


George W. Bush was a spendthrift president whose budgets drove up the national debt to unprecedented levels. Over his two terms in office, federal debt increased by $4.899 trillion. But Bush is a piker compared to Barack Obama. In just a little more than three years in office, Obama’s fiscal recklessness raised the national debt by an astonishing $4.939 trillion — already more than Bush’s eight years. Of even graver concern, our national debt is approaching $16 trillion and now exceeds 100 percent of gross domestic product.

While on the campaign trail in 2008, Obama called Bush’s spending “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic.” Where does that put him?

Cartoon and quote courtesy The Patriot Post.

Captain Zero’s Stimulus Score

From The Washington Times via John Lott: After receiving $885 million in Stimulus, “D.C. has no count of jobs from stimulus”

zero.jpgDespite receiving more than $885 million in federal economic stimulus funds since 2009, the D.C. government — whose residents face one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation — cannot say how many jobs it actually created for those who live in the District.

Most of the money has been spent, and data suggest that overall regional job growth did occur as a result of the massive infusion of capital. But a review by The Washington Times of figures provided by D.C. officials shows that the city spent hundreds of millions of dollars without being able to demonstrate any significant improvement in the city’s jobs outlook.

Zero Jobs Image Courtesy The Patriot Post

If anything, the employment picture has worsened in the District. At the end of 2011, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the city’s unemployment rate was 10.4 percent, ahead of only three states: Nevada (12.6 percent), California (11.1 percent) and Rhode Island (10.8 percent). . . .