Since February, we have modified our plans to view the Great Annular Solar Eclipse of 2012. We originally thought that we would like to view the eclipse from Chinle, AZ, near Canyon de Chelly National Park. That would have been nice, but although the RV campgrounds in that area are nice, they don’t offer full hookups for the new travel trailer (electric, water, sewer). So, we redirected our target to another Arizona location near the center line of the eclipse path: Page, AZ, near Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon Dam.
I called the campground and confirmed our reservations for the nights of May 19 and 20. The eclipse will occur near sundown on the 20th. If the weather cooperates, we should have front-row seats for the show. I also ordered custom eclipse shades specifically printed for for the 2012 event from Rainbow Symphony.
We also planned a few other stops to maximize our journey into Northern Arizona. Don’t forget that there are some other attractions nearby, such as Grand Canyon, Wupatki, Sunset Crater and lots of Apache and Navajo sights. It’s going to be fun.