48 Search results

For the term "orchid".

Blue and Green Phalaenopsis Orchids

While we were shopping yesterday at the supermarket, I noticed that they had orchids in the flower concession. I had never seen blue nor green phalaenopsis orchids before, but there they were. I did some research and found that the blue orchids are really white orchids injected with blue dye.

From BlueOrchid.org:

During the growth process, the stalk of a white phalaenopsis orchid is injected with a blue dye solution. The intervention is performed in an environment that keeps the infection risk for the plant at a minimum. The blue color is absorbed by the orchid and creates a blue flower.

I assume the same is true for the green orchids. Click on the image to alternate between photos I took of blue and green orchids.

White Epiphyllum “Cactus Orchid” Flower

white-epiphyllum.jpgThe timing for travel to the California house was just perfect for us to enjoy the blooming of the white epiphyllum flower in the planter on the side of the house. I went out of the gate near the flowerbed and took this image of the flower this afternoon. By tomorrow, the flower will have wilted and the plant it grows on will go dormant until about the same time next June.

Image: White epiphyllum flower. Click on the image to enlarge.

We went the Botanic Garden a couple of years ago to a showing of epiphyllum flowering plants and were astounded by the many, many varieties and hybrids. There are virtually all colors of the rainbow. There were hundreds of flowers at the show and all quite beautiful.

A Late Spring Cactus Orchid

I am pleasantly surprised that our frülingsgold epiphyllum produced another flower this late in the season. It might be the climate here versus Southern California, but these usually are done by April out there. I like it! Click on the image to enlarge.


Tiny Persimmon Orchids

I’m not sure about the name of these tiny orchids, but they come in purple, yellow, red and this shade of persimmon. I have had all four come out on our California patio this year. They grow from stems that extend out of the leaves and form clusters of several inch-wide flowers. Click on the image to enlarge.

persimmon orchids

Red Epiphyllum Cactus Orchid

We woke up this morning and when we took the dog outside, we saw that this beautiful epiphyllum flower opened to the rays of the morning sun. You can see why I quickly went for my Canon XTi.

It is no coincidence, but the Epiphyllum Society were having their show and sale at the Botanic Gardens today. We went and were overwhelmed with many, many other beautiful cactus orchid flowers. More about that later.


Click on the image to enlarge.