48 Search results

For the term "orchid".

Tiny Orchids


I really don’t know the official name for these tiny orchids, but I have these orange ones, some yellow ones and some purple ones growing on the patio this week. Click on the image to enlarge.

Cymbidium Orchid

During our visit to the home improvement center today, I saw these beautiful cymbidium orchids in the hothouse. I looked on the internet and found out this variety is probably called “Diane Falk.” I presume they’re named after the developer of this cultivar. Click on the image to enlarge.


Phalaenopsis Orchid

Known as the “moth orchid” due to its resemblance to some tropical moths, the phalaenopsis is native to the Asiatic tropics, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. I just added this very pretty orchid to the living room where it was catching the afternoon sunshine when I took this photo. Click for a bigger view of this beautiful flower.


Wildcourt Orchid

This pretty little orchid variety is called “Wildcourt.” The flowers are less than two inches wide and have the nicest pattern of colors. This sort of jumped into the cart at the garden shop today.

Click for the large image.


Tiny Orange Orchids

This beautiful little orchid is in my Mom’s garden. It looks bright and beautiful even on a rainy day. A gentleman at the last orchid show told me that there wasn’t actually an orange pigment and the orange is really a combination of both red and yellow pigments.

Click below for the really big view.

Tiny Orange Orchids