48 Search results

For the term "orchid".

Trio of Orchids

Looking through some of the photos I took last month at the Orchid Show, I found this one of these three very delicate and beautiful blooms. Click to enlarge.


The Orchid Slide Show

Out of the photo album from last weekend, I present the Orchid Slide Show. Sadly, this is but a few of the many beautiful orchids that we saw at the show.

The Orchid Show

phalaenopsis.jpgYesterday, we went to the recycle center to redeem paper, aluminum cans and plastic bottles. Just across from the center, is the Botanic Garden; we noticed that the Orchid Show and sale were in progress this weekend! I don’t know how we overlooked it, since we have gone to every show for the last several years.

By the time we made the discovery, we were already committed to a full Saturday. If we’re going to go this weekend it would have to be Sunday – and (gasp) forego our weekly session on the shooting range. So, we bit the bullet (sorry) and went to the garden and show this morning.

We weren’t disappointed. The orchids were all beautiful, both those in the show and those for sale in the patio. I bought a nice phalaenopsis for less than half what you would pay in a retail store. I took this picture while transporting it to our home. Click for big.

A New Cymbidium Orchid

new-cymbidium.jpgI saw this orange cymbidium orchid at the Botanic Gardens plant sale last Saturday, and thought it was very nice. Since it was one of the first things to be seen inside the courtyard as we entered the show and sale, I put it aside and we went to look at the rest of the exhibits in the courtyard and showroom.

After cruising the exhibits a bit, Damsel bought an interesting succulent for the front flowerbed. We then went out into the garden area and took a very long walk through the volunteer garden, past the cactus patch and all the way to the lake where I took the picture of the Ruby Meadowhawk.

On our way back from the lake, I couldn’t stop thinking about the orange cymbidium, and so I decided to buy it. It already has the beautiful flowers shown, and numerous stalks and pods that promise that we should have more of these in a while. Damsel took this picture after we got it home and in the patio. Click on the image for the very large view.

A Purple Orchid

My new camera arrived on Monday; yesterday and today I’ve been busily reading the owners’ manual and playing with some of the camera’s new and improved features.

Meanwhile, check out this purple orchid that I photographed using my old camera at the orchid show last Saturday.
