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For the term "cabela".

Cabela is Twelve Today

Cabela is Twelve TodayToday, our elder dog, Cabela, is approximately twelve years old. I say that since when we adopted her from the Humane Society here in town, she was estimated to be about two years old but her actual birth date was unknown. That was ten years ago this month at the time we were having our Arizona house built.

Cabela is probably a pure bred miniature pinscher “blue” but we have no history on her other than she was found near the rodeo grounds up in Constellation Park here in Wickenburg. We figure she was cropped and bobbed by her original owners who managed to let her run off somehow. I pity their loss. At the same time, we feel fortunate to have this little dog despite her high-strung personality and a tendency to bark at most everything. She truly must think she’s ten feet tall and bullet proof.

At twelve, Cabela shows few signs of growing old. She is quite active, can still jump and run at full speed and when on a leash can drag “The Daddy” along to where she wants to go. Despite being headstrong, she can be a nice companion here at home and still sleeps on the bed with us, sometime stealing the covers. She is quite the character and we love her.

Cabela’s Fifth Birthday

Cabela at FiveCabela is officially five years old today. She is a royal blue miniature Pinscher. She was born on August 4, 2008 and weighs fifteen pounds. We adopted her from the Wickenburg Humane Society where she lived for a couple of weeks after being rescued while running around at the rodeo grounds.

Cabela loves to eat, play and sleep. She has been with our household for three years now, and seems to be happy and healthy. Sometimes she gets a little feisty, but that is her way of playing. She loves to chase her squeaky toys when the we throw them for her. She likes to play keep away with her toys. She will run around the coffee table and jump up on the sofa and love seat to keep the toys away from us if we chase her.

We lost our big girl, Bear, several weeks ago, but we still enjoy having Cabela and Beethoven as our household pets. They are both very smart, very demanding and always entertaining companions.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Cabela’s Fourth Birthday


Today is Cabela’s fourth birthday (according to the Humane Society’s estimate). She was recovered at the Everett Bowman Rodeo grounds here in Wickenburg in August of 2010 and we adopted her shortly after that.

She is in excellent health (we took her to the vet this week for vaccine boosters) and is a very active dog. We over fed her for about eight months before putting her on a diet and now she is at a perfect weight of thirteen pounds.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Cabela at Rest


It has been a little over a year and a half since we adopted Cabela. She is an active and lovable miniature pinscher. Between her and Beethoven (the other min-pin), they make us laugh every day.

Since she is a very active dog, it is unusual to see her so much at rest on the back of the love seat. To our relief, she almost always lets us sleep all night long when it’s bedtime. Click on her picture to enlarge.

Cabela at Play

cabela-stair.jpgCabela, our new miniature pinscher, quickly adapted to her new family. She has been with us for a month now and find that she has two speeds: sleep and play. The first few days after we adopted her, we were in a hotel room, but when we got to the California house she suddenly had a lot of room to romp and believe me, she does!

Image – Cabela playing chase – click on the image to enlarge

This is her peering under the handrail on the stair landing. She just finished a fast lap around the family room and ran up to the landing, crouched on her forelegs and challenged me to chase her up the rest of the way. She was still just long enough for me to snap this photo and then she bounded up the rest of the staircase. When she gets cranked up, she runs like a gazelle, bouncing on her front and hind legs together, sometimes jumping two or three times her own height.

She’s a handful, but we’re not complaining.

Cabela Playing with Bobo

We got Cabela a couple of toys after we got her back to California. One of those, “Bobo” is a doggie toy with a squeaker in it. When she is in a playful mood, she will grab Bobo, and dash merrily around the family room squeaking Bobo and playing keep away.

The other day, I gave her a greenie, a doggie treat that cleans their teeth and sweetens their breath. She grabbed it and made three laps around the family room at full speed before stoping to chew it. When I said she was playful and energetic, I didn’t know the half of it.

Play the video at the right to watch a 24 second portion of Cabela’s afternoon session with Bobo.

Meet Cabela

cabela.jpgYes, she is named after Cabela’s, the famous hunting, firearms and outdoor outfitter chain.

Last week, we went to the Humane Society of Wickenburg to look at the adoptable dogs. The pet keeper asked us what sort of dog we were looking for. Since we were looking for a short haired dog, we asked if they had anything like a miniature pinscher. Much to our surprise, they had exactly that!

Image – Cabela – click on the thumbnail to enlarge

We went out to the kennel area to meet this dog and immediately fell in love with her. Unfortunately, we couldn’t adopt her that day since she had been spayed the day before and was still recovering. They also said that they couldn’t put a hold on her until they were sure that she and Bear would get along with each other.

We went to the Humane Society this morning. Determined to get there before anyone else, we tried to get there by the time they opened. We were a few minutes early, but some of the staff were already there and let us in early. After Cabela’s introduction to us and then to Bear, it was a matter of filling out a bunch of papers and paying the adoption fee.

She is a purebred miniature pinscher (no AKC papers), about two years old, has a red and tan coat, hazel eyes and is smart, very playful and loving. We are extremely pleased with our adoption.