October 2015

Ancient Native American Petroglyphs


These petroglyphs are clearly visible from US Highway 60 as we travel through a little mountain pass between Hope, AZ and Harcuvar, AZ. I captured this image as we drove through the pass just before the curve where you exit the pass and go into Harcuvar, just to the east of the etched rocks.

The symbology on these rocks is similar to other native petroglyphs readily available to be seen throughout the southwest US. Although we did not stop this time, I can tell you from previous visits to this place that the inscriptions are well-preserved and, fortunately, not tagged or disrupted by modern day idiots would-be petroglyphographers. Click on the image to enlarge.

Outback Mail Boxes

Outback Mail Boxes

We pass a lot of mail box clusters when traveling along US 60 in the Arizona “outback,” between Wickenburg and Interstate 10 near Brenda, AZ. This particular cluster is near Hope, AZ. There is nothing particularly interesting about mail boxes except this cluster has one mail box that is eight feet off of the ground. What’s up with that?

I took this photo today on our way to Palm Desert, CA. We are amused by the maverick mail box and as we have passed this spot dozens of times in our travels between home and California. We wonder if there is a big rig RV or truck that uses that box or if it is simply a joke. It is just plain weird and funny at the same time.

A Beautiful Yellow Rosebud

A Beautiful Yellow Rosebud

Today was a busy day for us. Actually, the whole week has been an entire disruption to our peaceful little retirement routine. Monday, I went to the dentist for my regular cleaning and check-up and the exam showed I had a broken molar that should be crowned. Wasting no time, I went back in on Tuesday to get that work done. Wednesday, we took a trip down to the northwest Phoenix metro area to do some shopping and what not. All the while under stormy skies. I think this might be a record-setting October for rainfall in recent years.

Back to today – we went grocery shopping for our coming weekend meal preparation (the whole week, actually) and afterward, we both had appointments with the dermatologist. The “derm” eradicated several skin lesions on each of us with oversized Q-tips dipped in liquid nitrogen. He did not find anything that could be considered a health risk like skin cancer, but he did say to come back every six months or so for a check-up. Too many years in the desert sun without sunscreen (not available in our youth) takes its toll.

The stormy weather cleared up today and we got considerable sunshine as we went about our business. The yellow roses in the flower concession were beautiful and I now have a dozen in the vase on the sofa table. Click on the image to enlarge.

Global Warming Wealth Redistribution

bucks.pngIncreased CO2 in the atmosphere has never been proven to cause anything other than enhanced benefits for life, both flora and fauna. The drumbeat from the warmists is steady and their support from the media makes the feeble-minded proletariat all the more convinced that glaciers will melt and coastal cities will be destroyed. You know, the sky is falling, the end is near, etc.

What the climate change believers don’t know is that the whole climate change scenario is not now and never was intended to save the planet. Simply put, it is global wealth redistribution from rich countries to poor ones, while lining the pockets of UN and other bureaucrats. In fact, an IPCC official, Ottmar Edenhofer, a co-chair of the IPCC, admitted it is about wealth and not climate in his own words:

The climate summit in Cancun at the end of the month is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War. … First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.

I read this quote in a short article by E. Calvin Beisner entitled “Climate Change’s Great Legacy: International Wealth Redistribution,” available from The Patriot Post.

Keep on Target for Breast Cancer Awareness

six-shooter bra

The Wickenburg Community Hospital sponsored a Bra Decorating Contest to highlight Breast Cancer Awareness month. There were a lot of nice entries, but my favorite was this brilliant presentation of pink targets and pink six-shooters in pink holsters. I loved it (and it got my vote). How could you not if you are into guns and target shooting.

There must have been a couple of dozen entries, most of them very creative and beautiful. The Arizona Flag and Red/White/Blue bra was very nice too. Click here to see the Arizona decorated bra.

Navy Pride – 240 Years


My maternal grandfather, my Dad, both of my brothers and I served in the United States Navy. My Grandpa served while Kaiser Bill wreaked havoc in Europe, Dad served in the Mediterranean and Pacific theaters during WW2 and my brothers and I served during the Vietnam conflict. They are all gone now and I, alone, survive today to be proud of my heritage being rich in the Naval tradition.

I take this opportunity to thank all the members of the United States Navy today, who serve our country under the Navy Blue banner. Happy 240th anniversary to the US Navy!

From The Patriot Post:

On Oct. 13, 1775, the U.S. Navy was born when the Continental Congress authorized the arming of two sailing vessels with 80 men and 10 carriage guns in order to intercept British supply and munitions transports. The Declaration of Independence came nine months later, followed by the creation of the Department of the Navy in 1798.

Today, our Navy is the most powerful in the world. We at The Patriot Post offer our thanks to all our sailors for a job well done and wish you a Happy 240th Birthday! God bless you and your families.

Work Day

Ready to Transplant In the Ground

Now that the temperatures have cooled (only 90° today), we started some of the chores we have been putting off. My first order of business was to put Damsel’s Prickly Pear cactus in the ground in the rock and cactus garden. She grew this cactus in a pot from a single paddle over the last year or so and it is now ready to make it on it’s own. The two images above are of the cactus in the pot transported to the spot we picked for it and the cactus in the ground taken later in the day. Click either image to enlarge.

There was another prickly pear cactus we planted in the yard that needed to be moved since it was in close proximity to the new RV drive. This variety spreads like crazy and we didn’t want to chance it growing over the concrete. Since it was still small enough, I dug it up in one piece and moved it thirty feet or so over to the west property line fence.

Meanwhile, Damsel was doing her thing inside the house and on the patio; she mopped the tile floors and started draining the patio spa, the latter needing the water changed for the fall season when we heat the spa (it is at ambient temperature when we use it during the summer).

We decided to remove some other invasive cacti, also in close proximity of the RV drive. These were Beavertail cactus that we rescued from the back of the lot and that we no longer wanted by the drive not only for the proximity issue, but they had some sort of malady that was eating holes in the paddles. I took out one on each side of the RV drive and, with Damsel’s assistance, transported via wheelbarrow and put in the dumpster.

At this point, we called it a day for the yard work. Perhaps over the weekend we will refill the spa and get the heater started. We might also remove a couple more Beavertails that are close to the RV drive. Or we might postpone all of it until next week.