December 2010

Lame Dodo

Thank God that the Omnibus POS failed in the Senate last night . . . now lets hope that DREAM and START join the other POS in the political septic tank.


Update: The GOP also gets the Ramirez treatment. Maybe he should have drawn them as a Rhino . . .


On-Line Tax Estimator

taxtime.jpgSince we have had some life events this year, mainly building a new home and refinancing our old one, I thought I better begin the tax estimation process. I also did this last year when I had a retirement life event. I pulled up the TurboTax 2010 Tax estimator to approximate our Federal tax situation.

The process is bringing a little bah humbug to an otherwise jolly time. Some of the initial numbers popping out scare me a little. However, we’re not using actual data at this time, only top-of-the-head estimated numbers and there are still a lot of things we can do that may help the situation.

Hat tip to John Lott who used this estimator in a post he made about tax rates being unfairly distributed..

Solar Activity Continues To Increase

In addition to two very active sunspots, this huge solar flare erupted this week.

From SOHO:

A very long solar filament that had been snaking around the Sun erupted (Dec. 6, 2010) with a flourish. STEREO (Behind) caught the action in dramatic detail in extreme ultraviolet light of Helium. It had been almost a million km long (about half a solar radius) and a prominent feature on the Sun visible over two weeks earlier before it rotated out of view. Filaments, elongated clouds of cooler gases suspended above the Sun by magnetic forces, are rather unstable and often break away from the Sun.