August 2010

Meet Cabela

cabela.jpgYes, she is named after Cabela’s, the famous hunting, firearms and outdoor outfitter chain.

Last week, we went to the Humane Society of Wickenburg to look at the adoptable dogs. The pet keeper asked us what sort of dog we were looking for. Since we were looking for a short haired dog, we asked if they had anything like a miniature pinscher. Much to our surprise, they had exactly that!

Image – Cabela – click on the thumbnail to enlarge

We went out to the kennel area to meet this dog and immediately fell in love with her. Unfortunately, we couldn’t adopt her that day since she had been spayed the day before and was still recovering. They also said that they couldn’t put a hold on her until they were sure that she and Bear would get along with each other.

We went to the Humane Society this morning. Determined to get there before anyone else, we tried to get there by the time they opened. We were a few minutes early, but some of the staff were already there and let us in early. After Cabela’s introduction to us and then to Bear, it was a matter of filling out a bunch of papers and paying the adoption fee.

She is a purebred miniature pinscher (no AKC papers), about two years old, has a red and tan coat, hazel eyes and is smart, very playful and loving. We are extremely pleased with our adoption.

Arizona Home Progress


We have been waiting since May for this day. The permits and arrangements are in place and at last the builder is preparing the lot for the foundation. I posted about the groundbreaking on the other site, but I wanted to publish this photo that Damsel took of our contractor finishing the trench for the garage foundation. Click on the image to enlarge.

On the Grill Today

on the grill todayDamsel and I did some last-minute grocery shopping today to throw together a weekend meal. We typically don’t go to the supermarket on the weekend, but today is an exception due to having been in Arizona on shopping day.

Image: On the grill today – click to enlarge.

Damsel spotted a couple of little bacon-wrapped tenderloin steaks in the butcher case, so we grabbed them and some other stuff and headed back to prepare our meal. I cranked up the grill and roasted the ears of corn for a half hour before shucking them and putting them on the grill basted with butter and fresh ground black pepper. We also put some broccoli on the griddle with olive oil and pepper. The tenderloins cooked to perfection over the last burner

It was an awesome meal, if we do say so ourselves! In addition to the faire above, we had a southwestern-style salad with home grown tomatoes and a sliced cucumber thrown in – equally as awesome. We were stuffed and still have enough steak left over for a salad during the week.

Please do not drool on your keyboard.

Road Runner

We were at a rest stop today among Interstate 10 when this handsome road runner darted across the dog area. I guess it should be labeled “dog and road runner area.” The species in this picture is called Geococcyx. I think they look like prehistoric birds, but here he is. Click on the image to enlarge.
