Climate Clues

I recently read a report on the CO2 Science website in which the author analyzed a paper published in Space Science Reviews about solar influence on the climate over the past several thousand years.

The study provides more evidence of the actual effects taking place as a result of solar fluctuations; it completely disarms the notion of the “hockey stick” climate model and discredits politically-motivated and disingenuous individuals and groups who claim that warming is largely the result of human industrial activities.

In spite of each additional Climate Clue, global warming alarmists remain clueless. Read on . . .

What the scientists did was to analyze proxy records of temperature in addition to magnetized radioactive elements such as carbon 14 and beryllium 10. This analysis yields a record of both temperature and solar emissions over time.

The paper noted that there is ample evidence for climate change during the relatively stable and warm Holocene climate optimum and that solar fluctuations could be found in the proxy records. What this means is the Sun’s activity influenced global temperatures to a great extent in the past and continues in the present day at a time of relatively intense solar activity.

The authors of the report and the original paper come to an interesting conclusion:

“[L]ong-term climate change during the preindustrial seems to have been dominated by solar forcing,” and that the long-term response to solar forcing “greatly exceeds unforced variability.” Hence, there is ample reason to question both the open-mindedness and the sincerity of people who adamantly declare, without equivocation, that anthropogenic-induced increases in atmospheric greenhouse-gas concentrations – and especially that of carbon dioxide – are the primary cause of 20th-century global warming.

Reference: Past Solar Effects on Climate
