Meathead Resigns Post

Meathead, under investigation for fraud, agreed to resign from commission post. I previously posted about the fraud allegations in Still a Meathead – Part IV.

Sacramento Bee: Reiner resigns from agency

Actor-director Rob Reiner resigned Wednesday as chairman of the California Children and Families Commission following months of controversy over whether the state agency improperly spent $23 million of public money on advertising that benefited the campaign for Reiner’s universal preschool initiative.

[read more]

Unfortunately, Governor Schwarzenegger filled Meathead’s post with Hector Ramirez who is held in high regard by the racist organization La Raza.

Schwarzenegger on Wednesday appointed a replacement for Reiner: Hector Ramirez, vice president of Para Los Niños, a Los Angeles-based children’s charity. Ramirez, who is on record supporting Reiner’s ballot measure, said he would run the agency as an “apolitical organization.”

Though Reiner announced the campaign for Proposition 82 at a press conference at a Para Los Niños preschool in Los Angeles last year, Ramirez said his organization has not taken an official position. He said he would have no involvement in any position on the measure that the board of Para Los Niños decides to take.

However, Ramirez has personally endorsed the measure. A September 2005 press release issued by the National Council of La Raza, a Latino civil rights group, quoted him as saying, “The ‘Preschool for All Act’ is the first step to make quality preschool a reality for all children.”

One more point: proposition 82 benefits will be paid for by raising taxes for “the very wealthy.” What this really means is that California will continue to drive small business and high-bracket taxpayers from the state.

Californians, vote NO on proposition 82!

Read my earlier posts on Meathead:
Still a Meathead – Part IV
Still a Meathead
Give Your Children to Us – Now
Rob Reiner Admits he’s a “Meathead”
