Give Your Children to Us – Now

Attention California Taxpayers – Does Meathead have his hand in YOUR pocket? Worse yet, does he have plans for your kids?

From the Sacramento Bee:

State’s preschool ads play politics, critics say

[To] opponents of actor-director Rob Reiner’s pending $2.3 billion universal preschool initiative, the spots feel more like taxpayer-financed political advocacy that primes voters for the June election.

They criticize the fact that Reiner chairs the state commission paying for the ads and also leads the initiative campaign that may benefit by its message.

“It’s a matter of sheer common sense – this is an expenditure of taxpayer dollars promoting preschool,” said Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. “It’s clearly connected to the pending initiative, and as a matter of ethics it crosses the line. Whether it crosses the legal line remains to be seen.”

Just as Damsel and I thought: the preschool endorsement ads are a political ploy by the left. It seems that the socialist-inclined teaching profession wants our kids sooner in order to prevent parental contamination of their well-thought-out political indoctrination of your kids. We spotted this underlying theme in the ads when they began, and contend that the socialist attitude is “you birth ’em, we’ll take it from there.” This concept is working in China and other communist nations, where youth indoctrination is vital to the survival of tyrannical governments. They don’t want your parental guidance of morality, ethics and religion to interfere with their program.

As for Meathead’s political connections, he seems to have abundant ties to hollywood radicals and socialist-leaning Democrats, evident from the picture on the right.
