Rob Reiner Admits he’s a “Meathead”

When confronted with a prod to run for California Governor, Rob Reiner seemed to call himself a “meathead.” From the Sacramento Bee:

SAN FRANCISCO – In town to blast a union dues initiative as “ultimately bad for our democracy,” actor-director-activist Rob Reiner found himself nudged Thursday to put his celebrity to work for the Democrats as a candidate for governor.

Reiner, at a town hall-type forum sponsored by the No on 75 forces, didn’t say no. He appeared to encourage the idea, in fact, in an exchange with former San Francisco Supervisor Doris Ward. She told Reiner, “I really wish you would one day run for governor because people want movie stars and television stars” in office.

“However good (announced Democratic gubernatorial candidates) Phil Angelides and Steve Westly are,” Ward said, “the way to beat (Republican Gov.) Arnold (Schwarzenegger) is with …”

“… is with a Meathead?” Reiner interjected.

Okay, so the Democrats in San Francisco believe that this ultra-liberal, pudgy, balding, scruffy-bearded guy –

Will be more popular and well-received than the Governor?

I think they should encourage Meathead to run.

And by the way, Californians, please vote YES on proposition 75 to eliminate political contributions from corrupt organizations such as teachers unions. It’s going to strengthen democracy in California, not “be bad” for it. The reason it’s not bad is that individuals, not unions, can determine whether or not to contribute politically, and to whom they contribute; simply put, exercising their individual democratic right to do so. Meathead apparently misses this point.
