Still a Meathead – Part IV

While trying to “work” the system in an attempt to hijack your kids, the official state Meathead gets caught. Rob Reiner faces ethics charges for misusing funds intended for promotional TV ads to support a state ballot initiative intended to raise taxes yet again – and only for the “wealthy” – which, if you can afford your own computer system to read this article, probably means you!

Right: Meathead offering a bribe to a pre-schooler?

California – Embattled Reiner slams his critics –

Facing a state audit and possible criminal investigation of the state commission he chaired, movie director Rob Reiner on Monday said his opponents are targeting him for attacks to avoid discussing the merits of the universal preschool initiative he put on the June ballot.

“They will do whatever it takes to knock this thing out,” he said in an interview with The Bee. “So they will attack me because they know they can’t talk about the initiative.”

Opponents responded that they have discussed the shortcomings of Proposition 82, including their argument that raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for preschool for all 4-year-olds could harm the state economy.

“We are not the ones who have called for any investigations,” said Joel Fox, the opposition campaign’s co-chairman. “That has come from the legislators or the press.”

But Reiner pointed out that the opposition campaign’s original name was “Stop the Reiner Initiative.”

“Stop Reiner!” he exclaimed. “Stop Reiner? Stop Reiner from what? From giving kids preschool?”

For the past three weeks, Reiner has been under fire from lawmakers because the First 5 California commission he chairs spent $23 million in taxpayer money on ads promoting preschool while Reiner was qualifying his “Preschool for All” initiative for the ballot.

Reiner sponsored Proposition 10, the 1998 initiative that created the commission he chairs and raised tobacco taxes to pay for early childhood programs.

“This money generated by Proposition 10 was not a private slush fund for Mr. Reiner to use,” said Assemblyman Dave Cox, R-Fair Oaks. “It appears that is what has transpired.”

