Back in 1985, Damsel and I took time off from work to take her son JJ to the West Imperial Terminal at Los Angeles International to watch some scenes being shot for Karate Kid II. We met the Karate Kid and Mr. Miyagi that day. We had a friend that was working as part of the production crew, and arranged for JJ to meet them. Both actors were outgoing and friendly and each took the time to talk to JJ and seemed to be glad to meet him and chat for a few minutes. Our friend Ralph Nelson, the still photographer for the production, snapped this shot of Pat and JJ. Our sense of Pat Morita and Ralph Macchio was that of good down-to-earth folks who enjoyed meeting their fan base.
Read a little bio on Pat Morita from WikiPedia. Rest in peace, Mr. Miyagi, wax on – wax off – must have focus . . .