Whacko Politics

Legal vs. Illegal Ponzi Schemes


From The Patriot Post:

Strictly speaking, Social Security is not a Ponzi scheme, in part because it’s not against the law. Indeed, it is the law. (Try not paying payroll taxes — i.e., “investing” in the system.) But it is structured exactly like a Ponzi scheme, and it will eventually fail for the same reasons. Today’s workers are paying for the checks of today’s retirees, and it has always been that way. From the start, politicians have raided the Social Security “trust fund” and spent the money on other general fund projects. What was left were worthless IOUs. Now that benefits paid exceed taxes collected, that problem has become acute. According to the Social Security board of trustees, in 1945, there were 42 workers for every retiree; the current ratio of three workers to every retiree is unsustainable.

Emphasis added.

Labor Day


As a president, Barack Obama has been a force for mediocrity. He has banked more on the hopeless interventions of government than on the exceptionalism of the people. His greatest weakness as a president is a limp confidence in his countrymen. He is afraid to ask difficult things of them.

— Hoover Institution’s Shelby Steele

Outta Here in 2012

Motivate and get the idiot out of office in 2012. Contribute to whichever entity will do the most to unseat the president. We’re backing the National Rifle Association’s efforts to discredit him via BATFE’s Project Gunrunner, AKA Fast and Furious. Get the word (and your checkbooks) out!
