
Server Problems Persist

I have been in contact with the ISP on our access speed problems. They seem to be overwhelmed with issues, and I am still waiting for them to get the speed problem resolved.

UPDATE: It seems like the problem has now been fixed. I still have not heard from the ISP administrator regarding the resolution, but I will pass that along when I do.

UPDATE II: Apparently, the server they have me on is an older one where the bandwidth is limited and the processor time as well. Since WordPress and my other applications use PHP scripting, the server limited the number of scripts that could run simultaneously. They have increased my script allotment, but warned that I ought to upgrade to the new servers. This will require that I shut the site down for 12-24 hours, with the possibility of having to restore lost items — I need to think about this and plan accordingly. More on it later.

ISP Status Update

I am in contact with the ISP to try and resolve the access speed problem. I hope to have it resolved today, but may need to upgrade the account to handle increased traffic in the near future. Thanks for your patience.

ISP Problems

Over the past couple of days, our Internet Service Provider has been experiencing problems with content delivery speed. I’m not sure if it’s an attack or if the ISP is at fault. Bear with us while we resolve the issue. Since it’s a weekend, the technical service folks are not available.