
Lifecycle of a Paper Shotgun Target

When we go to the gun show every couple of months, one of our usual stops is at the paper target vendor. We buy several large-sized silhouette target tablets with about 10 targets per tablet. (We gave up on buying the targets where a bad guy has a woman hostage – she never seems to make it through the ordeal.)

Anyhow, when we put targets up at the range for the shotguns, they seem to get used up rather quickly.

In this video, I send five rounds through the target and then Damsel administers the coup de grĂ¢ce when she unloads another five rounds from our 12 gauge Remington 870 security gun into the target.

She says, “If it’s still movin’ then I’m still shootin’ at it.”

Report – Glock 30

glock-30-magsWe wanted to report on Damsel’s Para Ordinance Warthog, but she’s still breaking it in. We will post something next week for sure.

Today, however, I would like to report on my new Glock 30. The picture at the right shows the pistol in a Bianchi holster. Two ten-round magazines are supplied with the pistol and are shown loaded with .45ACP ammo.

I really like this gun. As is the case with my Glock 26 9mm pistol, it’s accurate, smooth and easily stripped for cleaning. I’ve had it out to the range three times now and have had no problems.

Out of the box, it just started performing like an already-broken-in semi-automatic pistol. No jams, no feeding problems and the only complaint I have is with my own ability to hand-load the last of the 10 rounds into the magazine. I eventually get it done, but it takes considerable force. (I am NOT a wimp!) Eventually, the springs will relax and it will be easier to load.

The Glock 30 is an affordable .45 ACP carry gun. It offers a compromise between size and capacity coupled with the stopping power of the venerable .45 ACP.

Photo courtesy of Damsel – Click on the image to see a life-sized picture.

Factory specifications are listed below. Continue reading…

Baby Boomer

para-poofWe’re preparing a report on Damsel’s new Para Ordinance Warthog; it should be done in a day or two. We just seem to run out of evenings and weekends before getting everything done.

Since I wanted some backup graphics for the report, I took a couple of short videos as we fired the .45s. This is a still frame from a video I was taking when Damsel fired the Warthog; it nicely shows the plume that is visible as the pistol discharges the bullet toward the target. For a petite gun, it sure exhibits a full-blown plume and report. “Baby Boomer” seemed to be an appropriate designation for this little gun.


I’m not a southpaw, but when shooting left-handed yesterday, I managed to get eight 9mm rounds on the target at 25 feet with one round squarely on the bullseye. Not bad for a girl who just started regular target shooting a little over a year ago.


Target Practice

It’s a busy day for us today – wash day at home and moving day at work. I’m starting on a new project in the next building. We’re not going to have much opportunity to post anything requiring serious thought, so I’ll just throw up this target from yesterday’s 9mm session at the range. We had fun shooting and sometimes we would hit the middle of the target.


An Excellent Shooting Day

Excellent for shooting pictures and firearms, that is.

I took a bunch of pictures today after our excellent session at the firing range. Many more of them turned out excellent (in my humble opinion) than usual. It was difficult to post any one of them, but since my little S&W 442 .38 special revolver is my choice for personal protection (I have no favorite gun), I decided to post this close-up of the right side of this pretty little revolver.
