
Armed Forces Day 2017


Here’s to the members of the United States Armed Forces, past, present and future. May our country continue to be served by patriotic men and women who have made their sacrifice to the better good of the USA.

From Wikipedia:

In the United States, Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in May. It falls near the end of Armed Forces Week, which begins on the second Saturday of May and ends on the third Sunday of May (the fourth if the month begins on a Sunday, as in 2016).

First observed on 20 May 1950, the day was created on 31 August 1949, to honor Americans serving in the five U.S. military branches – the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Coast Guard – following the consolidation of the military services in the U.S. Department of Defense. It was intended to replace the separate Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard Days, but the separate days are still observed, especially within the respective services.

The first Armed Forces Day was celebrated by parades, open houses, receptions and air shows. The United States’ longest continuously running Armed Forces Day Parade is held in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In 2016, Chattanooga celebrated the 67th year of the Armed Forces Day Parade, which also began in 1950.

Because of their unique training schedules, National Guard and Reserve units may celebrate Armed Forces Day/Week over any period in the month of May.

Green Light a Vet

Green Light a Vet

Damsel has had this green light burning in the sconce closest to where it can be seen from the road below our house since last year. Only today did I log in to the Green Light a Vet website and recorded our instance of supporting our veterans.


Green is the color of hope, renewal and well-being. “Greenlight” is also a term commonly used to activate forward movement. The simple gesture of changing one light to green creates a beacon of support and appreciation, and a visible symbol of our commitment to “greenlight” veterans forward as valued members of our communities.

That website contains several stories about how the green light movement has benefited our precious veterans. We haven’t cashed in on a vet’s story yet since we’re on an obscure dead-end gravel road, but you never know when something might happen to benefit our guys and gals. We would enjoy that very much.

Circular Contrails

Circular Contrails

We frequently see condensation trails over the desert, but they almost always appear in straight lines or showing a minor dog leg over an airways facility or when vectored. Today, Damsel called me out to the courtyard to witness these circular contrails being painted as we watched.

All I can figure is that these were military aircraft making high-altitude maneuvers. The aircraft involved were due south of our location, possibly directly over Luke AFB or one of the outlying training facilities near the Northwest Valley of the Sun.

Shortly after our morning observation of these unusual sky circles, they all sublimated away and have not been seen again. Click on Damsel’s image to enlarge.

Green Light for Transitioning Veterans

Green LightWe changed the light bulb in the sconce behind the flagpole where it is visible from the road below to this nice shade of green, rather than bug light yellow. Why would we do that? Well, it seems there is a movement sponsored by Walmart and other veterans support organizations to “GREEN LIGHT” veterans returning to civilian life by encouraging employment of vets and other programs intended to give these American heroes the opportunities they need in order to transition back to the lifestyles they left prior to service.

Damsel put the green party light in the supermarket shopping cart last week because she had seen a TV spot that encouraged the green light to show support for returning vets. I seldom question what she puts in the cart because – well just because – so it went home with the groceries. It was not until we were at home a couple of days later when I asked her about it. Eventually, I saw the TV spot that she had seen before and did the research to see what I could find on-line.

Here are some excerpts from the Walmart Community pages on Americans Encouraged to Greenlight Opportunity for Transitioning Veterans:

Today, empowering organizations including the Institute for Veterans and Military Families, Team Red, White and Blue, Team Rubicon, Hire Heroes USA and Blue Star Families joined Walmart to launch Greenlight A Vet. This is a campaign to help create visible and actionable national support for America’s veterans and their families. You interact with them every day at work, at school and in the neighborhood. However, it’s hard to show them support or recognize their contributions when, back home and out of uniform, they’re more camouflaged than ever.

A green light means go and that’s what veterans are known for – their ability to take action quickly no matter the challenge. They demonstrate great leadership skills in any situation and represent the best of America. Their involvement in communities is central to our nation’s success.

Anyone can Greenlight A Vet:

  • Hire one today. Or help a veteran find a job.
  • Volunteer and serve with veterans groups in your local community.
  • Start a mentor/mentee relationship with a returning veteran.
  • Raise awareness on social media.
  • Or simply signal support by changing your porch light to green.

We are supporting those last two bullets with the green porch light, our blog and a link to our other social media places.

Navy Pride – 240 Years


My maternal grandfather, my Dad, both of my brothers and I served in the United States Navy. My Grandpa served while Kaiser Bill wreaked havoc in Europe, Dad served in the Mediterranean and Pacific theaters during WW2 and my brothers and I served during the Vietnam conflict. They are all gone now and I, alone, survive today to be proud of my heritage being rich in the Naval tradition.

I take this opportunity to thank all the members of the United States Navy today, who serve our country under the Navy Blue banner. Happy 240th anniversary to the US Navy!

From The Patriot Post:

On Oct. 13, 1775, the U.S. Navy was born when the Continental Congress authorized the arming of two sailing vessels with 80 men and 10 carriage guns in order to intercept British supply and munitions transports. The Declaration of Independence came nine months later, followed by the creation of the Department of the Navy in 1798.

Today, our Navy is the most powerful in the world. We at The Patriot Post offer our thanks to all our sailors for a job well done and wish you a Happy 240th Birthday! God bless you and your families.

Never Forget Our Freedom Enablers


Memorial Day is the time for us to stop and remember those brave men and women of the armed services who gave their lives in the ultimate sacrifice for America. Sure, we’ll be grilling up some holiday treats and celebrating the beginning of the patriotic summer season, but we’ll also have our American flag flying at half-staff until noon in accordance with the Memorial Day protocol.

I liked the sentiment in the Ramirez cartoon above with the symbolic spirit of a disabled veteran giving a hand to the next generation of free Americans. Just as we Never Forget the Islamic Terrorism events of 9-11 and other times, we also will Never Forget the honored dead in all the wars from the American Revolution to the War on Terror still raging today. God Bless ’em All!