Law and Order

The Real Loser – Moussaoui

Thanks to K. J. Lopez in The Corner on National Review Online:

The sentencing Judge to Moussaoui:

“Mr. Moussaoui, when this proceeding is over, everyone else in this room will leave to see the sun … hear the birds … and they can associate with whomever they want,” she said.


She went on: “You will spend the rest of your life in a supermax prison. It’s absolutely clear who won.”

And she said it was proper he will be kept away from outsiders, unable to speak publicly again.

“Mr. Moussaoui, you came here to be a martyr in a great big bang of glory,” she said, “but to paraphrase the poet T.S. Eliot, instead you will die with a whimper.”

At that point, Moussaoui tried again to interrupt her, but she raised her voice and spoke over him.

“You will never get a chance to speak again and that’s an appropriate ending.”

Brinkema sentenced Moussaoui to six life terms without the chance of parole.

She informed him of his right to appeal the sentence and said she would ask his court-appointed lawyers to file the required notice as a precaution before relieving them from the case. “I believe it would be an act of futility,” she said of an appeal, “but you do have a right.”

Clean Air and Light Traffic

Yesterday, we enjoyed a nice quiet day without handbills on the door, light traffic and good air quality. What happened?

Ex-Liberal in Hollywood Clark Baker has some answers:

A Day Without Illegals

Congratulations Democrats!

LA’s May Day was a huge success! The leaf blowers were silenced, the air was clear, emergency rooms were empty, and the smoke-belching clunkers driven by millions of unlicensed and uninsured illegals were safely parked for much of the day, unclogging our usually-constipated freeways for speeds not seen since the 1984 Olympics! Crime, collisions, and classroom sizes were all down, and commuters returned from work with enough time to mow their lawns and clean their homes before dinner. For one day, Americans caught a glimpse of life without illegals and saw that life wasn’t so bad.

[Read more].

UC Santa Cruz – Still Crazy After All These Years

June 10, 2000 – Damsel and I attended the Graduation of our nephew from the University of California at Santa Cruz that day. We drove to the campus, went to the outdoor ceremonies area, and were seated, not knowing what we were about to experience.

First, the faculty head made some remarks about the proceedings. In spite of the fact that most of the attendees were English-speaking, the professor made his remarks in Spanish. I could catch every few words, but largely failed to comprehend what was being said. I thought it rude and unnecessary to speak in a language not understood by everyone. Speak English or get the hell out!

Next, the students presented a recording of their keynote speaker, Mumia Abu Jamal, a confessed cop killer.

From WikiPedia:

On the morning of December 9, 1981, Officer Daniel Faulkner was shot and killed. This occurred during a routine traffic stop of a vehicle driven by William Cook, Abu-Jamal’s younger brother.

Right: Cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.

The basic facts of the case as testified to by several eyewitnesses are as follows: during the traffic stop, Cook assaulted Faulkner, who in turn attempted to subdue Cook. At this point, Abu-Jamal emerged from a nearby taxi and shot Faulkner in the back. Faulkner was able to return fire, seriously wounding Abu-Jamal. Abu-Jamal then advanced on Faulkner, and fired four additional shots at close range, killing the policeman. Abu-Jamal was unable to flee due to his own gunshot wound, and was taken into custody by other police officers, who had been summoned by Faulkner at the time of the traffic stop. Abu-Jamal was taken directly from the scene of the shooting to a hospital, and treated for his injury. While he was receiving this treatment Abu-Jamal acknowledged that he shot Daniel Faulkner, with apparent satisfaction.

And as for the nephew; the ultra-left wing indoctrination provided by UCSC makes it difficult or impossible to discuss contemporary issues with him. His mind is made up, don’t confuse him with facts. This is the typical attitude of most UCSC students. And probably that of the students that threatened violence as they demonstrated against the Military recruiters on campus the other day. UCSC, and many, if not all schools in the University of California system are still crazy after all these years.

Update: Degenerate students and sympathisers (and faculty?) from UCSC have committed the ultimate outrage – personal attacks on a reporter bringing the truth out. This is more justification to remove funding from this radical hotbed of treasonous miscreants.

From Michelle Malkin:

You know who you all are.

And if you think I’m going to stop blogging/writing/making a living because you’ve plastered my family’s private home address, phone numbers, and photos and maps of my neighborhood all over the Internet to further your manufactured outrage and pathetic coddling of a bunch of lying, anti-troops punks at UC Santa Cruz…

…you better think again.

A Bathtub Analogy to Illegal Immigration

Here’s some fluid advice from California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R):

Republican congressman offers immigration solution

By Dana Rohrabacher

If a bathtub is overflowing and water is spilling onto the floor, the first thing most rational people would do is turn off the faucet, remove the tub stopper and let the water drain. Then the cleanup would begin. If only the federal government was as rational.

Unfortunately, there are many in Congress who would mop up the floor before turning off the faucet and draining the tub. Instead of turning off the massive flow of illegal aliens in our country and demonstrating that the government can keep that flow at a very low trickle, Congress is proposing to legalize the millions of illegal aliens in the country first. This strategy has not worked in the past and it will not work for our country now.

There is only one way to stop this unfettered flow of illegal immigrants: cut off the jobs and benefits that attract them to America. The federal government must demand that businesses verify the legal status of their employees and administer heavy fines to those who violate the law and hire illegal aliens.

[read more]

Rohrabacher used to be our congressman before the Democrats in California Gerrymandered my Republican ass into Jane Harman’s District. We had actual rational representation up until then. Now, we have a congressperson who prioritizes Rowe v. Wade above National Security and Immigration Enforcement.

I Want My Country Back!

Every once in a while, I read something in the blogosphere that is worth giving special mention here, even though it’s on other blogs. Today, while surfing around the ‘sphere I ran across an interesting and inspiring piece from Rick Roberts, a conservative radio personality. You can read it in it’s entirety on Rick’s blog on the KFMB website at I Want My Country Back.

This is an excerpt from Rick’s article:

“I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!”- By Rick Roberts

And I want America to be America. All of those opportunities, all of those things that made her great, I want those returned to the forefront. If you want to come to this country we welcome you with open arms. We simply ask that you abide by our laws. I don’t want you to snub your nose at our laws, then take advantage of our opportunities, and then cling to the constitution most of which you can’t even read because you don’t speak the language.

Picture credit: KFMB/Rick Roberts

[read it all]

Via Big Dog’s Weblog

Dems Bicker over Wal-Mart

California Attorney General candidates Former Governor and current Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown and Los Angeles City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo duke it out over a non-issue like Wal-Mart (who incidentally is willing to bring business to California in spite of Democrats driving business away), while Pierre-Richard Prosper is hands-down the best candidate for California Attorney General.

Wal-Mart a campaign issue

A week ago, Delgadillo called Wal-Mart a “predator” on the middle class. His campaign also chastised Brown for bringing a Wal-Mart store to Oakland and accepting $10,600 in campaign contributions from Wal-Mart heir John Walton and his wife, Christy.

Brown, in response, resurrected a speech in which Delgadillo’s former boss praised him for helping recruit Wal-Mart.

Delgadillo said Thursday that he was carrying out the wishes of his boss at the time, former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan.

“What’s changed is the name on the door is different,” Delgadillo said. “I was working for Mayor Riordan, and now I am working for me.”


So am I to assume that Mr. Delgadillo’s allegiances are for sale?

And, we already know that Brown is a far-left political figure and has little to offer California as the state’s top law and order officer.

Our choice for Attorney General is Republican Pierre-Richard Prosper. Prosper has held many positions in government at local and national levels. He is far and away the best choice for the job of California Attorney General.

From Prosper’s Web Site:

Justice Begins At Home… The California Attorney General is on the frontlines of Justice. Justice on the streets from Los Angeles to Oakland. Justice for families broken by lost opportunities and gang warfare. Justice for child victims of sexual predators. Justice for victims of violence. Justice for legal immigrants seeking a better life. Justice for the institution of marriage. Justice for all Californians.

Image credit: Pierre Prosper for California Attorney General.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, Pierre Prosper has withdrawn from the campaign. His website has a statement explaining his reasons.

Californians Support Death Penalty by 2:1

In a poll conducted during the time the Michael Morales sentence confusion was taking place, people in the state remain strongly in favor of capital punishment.

From the Sacramento Bee:

Poll finds steady support for death penalty

Support for the death penalty remains high among Californians, with those favoring capital punishment outnumbering opponents by a 2-1 margin, according to a Field Poll scheduled for release today.

In the wake of two recent executions, support neither rose nor fell much from levels reported by the polling organization since 2000.

The latest poll showed support to be appreciably lower, however, than it was during the mid-1980s, when crime spiked nationally and became the dominant political issue.

Opinions also appear to have softened on issues such as executing minors, which the state hasn’t permitted in modern times and the U.S. Supreme Court abolished a year ago, as well as on questions such as whether the death penalty is fairly carried out.

As recently as two years ago, Californians were strongly convinced that the death sentencing process was fair and error-free. Today, they think so by a narrower margin of 48 percent to 39 percent.

The polling organization claims a sampling error rate of plus or minus 4.5 points for all adults polled and plus or minus 5.5 points for registered voters polled.

“Opinions on the death penalty are solidly in support, same thing as abortion,” said Field Poll director Mark DiCamillo, who said no reversal appears imminent on either issue.

Nevertheless, he said, public opinion leaves room for changes in the way both procedures are carried out.

The poll of 500 California adults was conducted Feb. 12-26, soon after the state’s executions of Stanley Tookie Williams and Clarence Ray Allen. The polling coincided with on-again, off-again preparations to execute Michael Angelo Morales on Feb. 21.

Public reaction pinpointed on the aborted Morales execution was charted by a separate Field Poll, conducted Feb. 22-26. The response was not strong on either side of the Morales debate.

Although 46 percent of poll respondents said the state should have administered the lethal injection to Morales despite its inability to comply with a judge’s orders, 41 percent said a postponement was the correct decision. The execution has been put on hold until the results of a May court hearing on the injection procedure.
