
Christmas Trolls

Christmas Trolls

We’re still digging out the decorations for our holiday cheer. These are my Christmas Trolls that I put out every year. Click on the image to enlarge.

Christmas Wreath

Christmas Wreath

Now that the Thanksgiving holiday has passed, it’s time to begin decorating for the Christmas holiday. This is my chili pepper wreath, now hanging on the bedroom door facing the great room. Click on the image to enlarge.

Happy Easter


We’re still full from a delicious Easter dinner, so please enjoy this back lighted Easter lily. Click on the image to enlarge.

A Cardinal in a Mesquite Tree


No, it’s not the first day of Christmas nor spring and neither is this a partridge in a pear tree. However, the red and green complimentary colors make this photo of a cardinal in the mesquite tree look very festive.

We put out the seed bell for the birds a couple of days ago and since they are attracted to it, we get lots of photo ops like this. Click on the image to enlarge.

To all of our Christian friends, Happy Easter and to all of our Jewish friends, Happy Passover.

A Tale of Two Mountains

Mount Rushmore’s faces took fourteen years to carve in the sandstone of the Black Hills of South Dakota. Mount Obama took less than three years to build (admittedly with a head start from previous administrations). Ramirez notes this in his cartoon today:


p.s. Happy (actual) Washington’s Birthday!