
Long Target Practice

ammo-boxesWe missed target practice a couple of weeks ago. So, to make up for it, we took some extra ammo and brought seven firearms:

  1. Smith & Wesson 442 .38 spl +P
  2. Smith & Wesson 908s 9mm
  3. Glock 26 9mm
  4. Glock 30 .45 ACP
  5. Para Warthog .45 ACP
  6. Remington 870 20 ga
  7. Remington 870 12 ga 6+1

I took this picture of the recycle bin after we broke down the ammo boxes. To be fair, this bunch includes the ammo boxes we used to reload the magazines for the pistols after cleaning them today.      Click to zoomography.

I wonder what the dumpster divers think when peeking in our recycle bins on trash day.


GunPediaI knew it would be just a matter of time until somebody would do this.

Gunpedia is a wiki that was created in January 2006. A wiki is a website that anyone can edit and improve, sort of like Wikipedia, only this is more specific – it’s for the documentation of just about anything about guns. Right now, you can edit 347 different articles about this subject, and can create many, many more.

On the front page there is a section for:

  • Monthly Featured Article
  • Monthly Featured Image
  • User of the Month
  • Newest Pages

Also featured is an alphanumeric index to specific firearms pages. If you don’t see your favorite weapon there, you can add it yourself! I looked at the index, and it appears that there will be a lot of work to do.

There are many special-interest wikis in cyberspace, not the least of which is the IMFDB or Internet Movie Firearms Database, another very interesting wiki.

My Shiny Girl Gun

When I saw her, I thought “oh look – something shiny!” I took this photo of my Para Warthog .45ACP pistol right after cleaning her up. I put something like 50 rounds through her and she was pretty dirty.

Click on the image for a bigger view.

Girl Gun

Magnum of Champagne

Could be a really big bottle of sparkling wine – or, it could be a champagne-colored round of .357 magnum ammo in the cylinder of a S&W 686 revolver – your choice.


We watched some of the proceedings at the NRA Convention in Louisville last night and today and really look forward to next year when the convention goes west – we plan to attend that one.

The Greening of the Polar Bear

This week, the Department of the Interior caved in to the Greenbats by declaring a thriving species “endangered.”

From Planet Gore:

Polar Bears: More Journalistic Malpractice [Henry Payne]

How do you declare a species endangered when its numbers are increasing?

Once again, my profession — journalism — failed its fundamental duty to report the facts Wednesday as the Interior Department bowed to political pressure from green groups to declare polar bears an threatened species due to global warming. This, despite the fact that bear populations have increased from 5,000–10,000 in the early 1970s to between 20,000 and 25,000 today (during the very period their habitat was allegedly shrinking). This is in part due to concentrated efforts to impose harvesting controls that have allowed this once-overhunted species to recover.

Indeed, Dr. Mitchell Taylor, a bear biologist with the Canadian government, wrote in 2006: “There is no need to panic. Of the 13 populations of polar bears in Canada, 11 are stable or increasing in number. They are not going extinct, or even appear to be affected at present.”

polarbearparty.gifGLOBALONEY wrote an excellent article on thriving polar bears in January. Included here is a very entertaining animation of thriving bears I found on Globaloney. Click for full size.

According to new research, the numbers of the giant predator have grown by between 15 and 25 per cent over the last decade.

Some authorities on Arctic wildlife even claim that hunting, and not global arming, has been the real cause of the decrease in polar bear numbers in areas where the species is in decline.

A leading Canadian authority on polar bears, Mitch Taylor, said: “We’re seeing an increase in bears that’s really unprecedented, and in places where we’re seeing a decrease in the population it’s from hunting, not from climate change.”

Mr Taylor estimates that during the past decade, the Canadian polar bear population has increased by 25 per cent – from 12,000 to 15,000 bears.

UPDATE: Iain Murray offers that this is NOT about polar bears.

Quite right. This was nothing to do with the polar bear and everything to do with advancing a ludicrous “alternative energy now” agenda.

It appears that Interior Secretary Dick Kempthorne is listening to whoever beats the drum louder. In the case of the polar bears, science disagrees with the listing, but Kempthorne is concerned about a ‘legacy.’ In an unrelated issue, that of carrying firearms in National Parks, Kempthorne listened to 51 U.S. Senators who recommended a rules change to allow the NPS to comply with local state law on carrying.

This puts Kempthorne in a position to be embraced by greens and gunners alike.

Don’t you just love politicians?

Personal Protection Rounds

A couple of weeks ago, I read an article written by a former policeman who is now a medical examiner doing autopsies in Atlanta. The article, Terminal Ballistics as Viewed in a Morgue, discussed the stopping power of various types of ammunition. Bottom line: the bigger, the better and hollow points do a serious number on the body.

We each now keep a magazine filled with these bigger and better Hornady .45ACP +P 230 grain hollow-points near the Glock 30 and the Para Warthog.


Photo credit: Damsel.

Saturday in the Back Yard

Today was shopping in the morning and barbecue in the afternoon. While in the back yard during some idle moments between tending to the grill, I took a picture of the little .38 special +P. When I reviewed the picture, I found that i could see the hollow-point in the cylinder down the short barrel. That makes for an interesting picture.
