
Rush to Ban Guns

US Representative Rush, D-ILL (should be DULL)Anti-gun Democrats just can’t wait to unleash the greatest barrage of harassment to legitimate gun ownership in the history of the US Congress. At the center of today’s anti-gun attitude is one Bobby Rush, a U.S. Representative from Illinois. He seems to be in a rush to deny gun ownership. Like Barack Obama, who once told John Lott that he didn’t think anyone should own a gun, Rush has adopted the same position and has taken the first steps toward the goal of eliminating all guns from private citizens.

According to David Codrea, of Guns Magazine, “This is nothing less than a declaration of war on American gun owners.”

World Net Daily reveals that this legislation would require that legitimate gun owners would have to comply with these ridiculous measures:

Among the more controversial provisions of the bill are requirements that all handgun owners submit to the federal government a photo, thumb print and mental heath records. Further, the bill would order the attorney general to establish a database of every handgun sale, transfer and owner’s address in America.

Rush thinks that just because some thug jumps on a Chicago bus and shoots and kills Blair Holt, a passenger on the bus, that ALL gun owners must be punished by having to obtain a Federal “Blair Holt” gun license.

Somebody ought to look at Bobby Rush’s mental health records.

Liberty Sphere has a run down of this and a bunch of other Second Amendment issues on the Round-Up.

Last Chance

While looking for a topic to post, I ran across this humorous banner on the Glock30SF website.


It would be funnier if it weren’t true. All the rumors and the incoming administration’s body language and slate of appointees make these times really scary.

Range Report

four-mags.jpgWe took our usual suite of firearms to the range today. I took my two Glock pistols (G26 – 9mm and G30 – .45ACP), a S&W 908 9mm pistol, the S&W 686 .357 magnum revolver and my Remington 12 gauge 870 magnum shotgun. Damsel took her Para Warthog .45ACP pistol and her small 20 gauge Remington 870 shotgun.

There were no misfeeds on the Para this week again. It has been several weeks and about 300 rounds since even the last minor feed problem. There have been no stovepipes and no serious jams for a couple of months now. Following recommended maintenance and lubrication guidelines, the pistol has been performing just like it should.

I had one minor incident with the Rem 870 12 gauge. At one point when actuating the mechanism, an unspent round came out and the next round from the magazine did not go into the chamber. It was weird. Damsel picked it up right after that and promptly fired five rounds into the target with no problem. “It seems OK to me,” she said. We both laughed it off. At home, disassembly and inspection were completely normal.

After Damsel finished cleaning up the guns today, she loaded forty rounds into four Warthog magazines and posed them for a group photo (above). Very nice. Click 4 big.

Update: Thanks again to Liberty Sphere for including us in the Second Amendment Roundup.

A Video Christmas Card

I can’t exactly send this card in an envelope, but it goes out to two people that helped me when I was having troubles with my Para Ordinance Warthog .45 ACP compact pistol.

First of all, to Michael Bane, who took an interest in my problems and referred me to someone who could help solve them.

Merry Christmas, Michael!

Secondly, to Kerby Smith, of Para’s Communications and Public Relations, who got the gun into the shop and saw to it that it got the attention it needed. Kerby also sent me an instructional Todd Jarrett video showing techniques to be used when shooting short-barreled .45s. Kerby also gave me some advice on cleaning and lubrication.

Merry Christmas, Kerby!

As you can see from the video, I’m enjoying shooting my Warthog instead of agonizing over the next misfeed or stovepipe. Thank you guys for all the help!

My First Smith & Wesson Guns

smiths.jpgSeveral years ago, when we decided to get back into guns and shooting, our firearms choices were based on simplicity and reliability. We both had prior experience with guns and shooting, but enough time had passed, that we wanted to resume at an entry level.

My entry choice for a handgun was a .357 revolver – a short-barreled Smith and Wesson model 686. The advantages of this type of gun is that it’s compact, easy to point and shoot and uses either .38 special or .357 magnum ammunition. The .38 loads produce less recoil than the .357 loads.

I thought that a small semi-automatic pistol would be a good choice. I chose a Smith and Wesson model 908S nine millimeter semi automatic pistol. Advantages of this type of gun include compact size, light weight, easy to use and the ability to quickly reload the 8-round magazine with a standby magazine.

I have been really happy with these two original choices. The two went with me to the range today.

Range Report

Not much to report today. We shot the usual assortment of guns and calibers. All of it was enjoyable, if not close enough to the center of the targets. We’re getting better, though.

Here, Damsel aims her Para Warthog Compact .45 caliber pistol at a paper target seven yards downrange.
