
The Chief Photographer

The Chief Photographer

I got this photo of Damsel coming back from one of her photographic missions a couple of days ago. She gets a lot of really great photos, many of which are posted here, but the majority go into the archives and maybe on facebook or something. Click on the image to enlarge.

Scorpion Glow

Scorpion GlowI apologize for posting this out-of-focus picture of a dead scorpion on the RV drive, but the lighting conditions weren’t too good to avoid a slight camera motion that blurred the image. At any rate, I just wanted to show how these little beasties show up if you put ultraviolet light (a.k.a. black light) on them.

Image – dead scorpion in ultraviolet light. Click on the image to enlarge.

A while back, we bought little hand held flash lights with UV LEDs just for the purpose of detecting scorpions. Our little Miniature Pinscher, Cabela, found this nasty little bug on the patio (thank goodness it was already dead) and I found a couple of them (also dead) in the garage the other night using the UV flashlight.

Where’s Waldo?

Where’s Waldo

Of all the birds that come around to the feeders, the male cardinal has the poorest camouflage in our Sonoran desert environment. When he does show up, we ask each other, jokingly, “Where’s Waldo?” The goldfinches feeding on Nyjer seed bags in the foreground aren’t much more subtle with their bright yellow breast feathers. Click on the image to enlarge.

More Erosion Control Project

More Erosion Control Project

I collected some more rocks from around the lot and placed them along the road to shore up the rocks I placed there on Wednesday. Damsel came out to help also. She took this picture of me working on the project when she brought the dogs out for their run.

I took the panoramic image seen above after the day’s work was complete. I still want to move more of the one-inch red gravel to cover some of the bare spots. Click on the image to enlarge.