
Faux Brass – Redux

In light of General Wesley Clark’s incredible weekend faux pas regarding the war record of Senator McCain, I’m going to re-post an old article from two years ago – Faux Brass:

Faux Brass: a class of former military officers who have shed the honor and pride of their commissions in favor of retreatist and defeatist policies.

In recent times, a few former military officers have rendered negative opinions on the War on Terror which includes ongoing skirmishes in Iraq and the current trouble in Gaza and Southern Lebanon. Now, let’s be clear that most current and former military “brass” support efforts worldwide in the certain-to-be-lengthy War on Terror. The major media, however, fail to show the overwhelming support for the effort among military brass.

Jack Murtha comes to mind as a former military-turned-politician who gets it wrong — redeploy, he says, to Okinawa(?!). Murtha also shamefully convicts our military prior to any charges being made.

It’s the same with John Kerry who offers that he could have done better if he were president — the trouble is, he offers no ideas, but only the same retreat and concede policy that has been his lifelong pursuit. Thank God that America caused him to concede the last election.

Another ex-military general-turned-presidential-candidate-turned-pundit, Wesley Clark, always portrays the administration in the anti-internationalization light. This from a former NATO Commander — not actually a U.S. Military function. Clark will always defer to the “international community” for policy answers.

Murtha, Kerry and Clark fail to put America first. American interests must first be served before worrying how the “international community” views things. After all, has the UN ever succeeded with anything they attempt, other than stealing from children’s programs and Iraqi oil profits? Nope.

These three examples of Faux Brass, Murtha, Kerry and Clark, each remind me of a certain loudmouth cartoon chicken trying to look like an eagle.

Heston Post Mortem

Ben-HurIn the aftermath of the passing of Charlton Heston, the lunatics on the far-left ‘flypaper blogs’ ravaged him – that was totally predictable. Also predictable, the mainstream big media that ravaged the likes of Heston and Ronald Reagan while they lived, offered glowing eulogies and nice things to say about each of them after they passed.

The ultimate hypocrisy, however, comes from – as Greg Gutfield puts it – “probably the biggest – and most sanctimonious sack of feces on the planet” – none other than Michael Moore. Gut goes on the describe the time that Moore cornered a disoriented Heston on his patio and stitched together the videos and sound bytes as part of the “Bowling for Columbine” anti-gun crockumentary.

The Gut goes on to conclude:

I bring up Moore because if you go to his Web site, you’ll find a memorial photo of Heston, along with the date of his birth and death. If Moore was any kind of man, he’d take that down, instead of pretending to care. But the world is far from perfect. If it was, Chuck would [have] shot him for trespassing back when he had the chance.

Moore – what an assclown.

In another ‘warm’ tribute, the L.A. Times published some of the letters to the editor that Chuck sent over the years – one of his letters addressed the necessity to bomb Japan at the end of WW2 in response to moronic August 1998 Times anti-nuke book reviews:

I’ve read most of your reviews on the books reexamining the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that ended World War II. Each condemns the action without reservation as an insanely murderous choice. Several respected intellectuals are quoted, some no doubt qualified on the subject. It’s too bad none of them was there. . . . The bomb ended the war, and its nuclear successors won the Cold War without firing a shot, on either side. I call that a worthwhile achievement.

As Vinnie at Jawa Report says, “Hollywood Just Got 100% Worse.”

Clinton Shows Her Military Malice

Senator Clinton is at it again. This time she shot off her mouth to the Pentagon demanding they prepare to withdraw troops from Iraq. This malicious attack on our Military should convince Americans that Clinton, not unlike John Kerry, is “Unfit for Command.”

Eric Edelman, the Defense Department’s undersecretary for policy, offered a sharply-worded response (to Clinton’s demands), saying such discussions boost the enemy.

“Premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq reinforces enemy propaganda that the United States will abandon its allies in Iraq, much as we are perceived to have done in Vietnam, Lebanon and Somalia,” Edelman wrote.

Judge Tosses Out Plame Lawsuit

Just like we’ve been saying all along, Wilson and Plame are LIARS!

Judge Dismisses former CIA Operative Valerie Plame’s Lawsuit Against Bush Administration

WASHINGTON — A federal judge dismissed former CIA operative Valerie Plame’s lawsuit against members of the Bush administration Thursday, eliminating one of the last courtroom remnants of the leak scandal.

Plame, the wife of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, had accused Vice President Dick Cheney and others of conspiring to leak her identity in 2003. Plame said that violated her privacy rights and was illegal retribution for her husband’s criticism of the administration.

U.S. District Judge John D. Bates dismissed the case on jurisdictional grounds and said he would not express an opinion on the constitutional arguments. Bates dismissed the case against all defendants: Cheney, White House political adviser Karl Rove, former White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby and former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage.

Un-American Gothic

uagothicWon’t these two ever stop playing politics with the security of our country?

Excerpt from Fox News:

Democrats need to make a decision to fund the troops or continue to play politics, said Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga.

“I think what they’re going to have to do is make a decision. Look, are we going to continue down the road playing politics or do we really care about those men and women in uniform? And if they do, then they’ll come back and we’ll send the president a clean supplemental,” Chambliss told FOX News.

Chambliss called Reid’s “war is lost” comments from last week “almost un-American.”

“I think it’s almost un-American to come out and tell the enemy that they’ve won and we’ve lost. It’s pure politics and I hope the American people really let the Democrats know that it’s the people fighting this war that really do deserve our support,” Chambliss said.

The New York Times reported that some Democrats want to send Bush a bill that he will sign, without the timetables for withdrawal but others push for standing firm behind the antiwar message from Congress.

What do you mean “almost,” Saxby? They’re full-on un-American on this one.

More apologies to Grant Wood.

No Guns for Cho – What Then?

no-guns.jpgKeep in mind that Cho Seung-Hui is the only one responsible for the massacre at Virginia Tech. Nobody else was involved. He was absolutely determined to cause death and pain to those whom he had come to despise, including himself.

So, what would Cho have done if nobody were to have sold him a gun? My thoughts are that he would have gone to the dorm, bludgeoned the woman to death with a legally-purchased hammer or other trauma-inducing “weapon,” and then proceed to engineering classes with a home-made explosive device (again, made with legally purchased materials) and proceed to blow himself and an unknown number of students to kingdom come. After all, the latter method is used almost daily by homicide bombers in the Middle East — why not by Cho as well?

Continue reading…

Nagin and New Orleans Make D.C. Look Like Mayberry

I am still wondering why this guy isn’t in jail despite having been found in contempt of court and deliberately withholding the firearms of New Orleans’ citizens.

About a year and a half has passed since Mayor Ray Nagin and other City of New Orleans officials illegally stripped legitimate gun owners of their second amendment rights by summarily collecting their guns. Citizens of New Orleans wait in peril for the return of their only means of self-defense – the City doesn’t seem to protect them at all while the murder rate in post-Katrina New Orleans has grown to astronomical proportions!

This statement from Wayne LaPierre at absolutely proves that disarming citizens enhances the ability of criminals to prevail:

No Relief For New Orleans


The NRA’s been fighting the city of New Orleans for a long time now, trying to get the firearms seized by the city returned to their legal and rightful owners. But every day the city stalls, they’re putting their residents at risk.

The city’s homicide rate is estimated to be an incredible 96 murders per hundred thousand. To put that in perspective, in 2005 the national homicide rate was 5.6 per hundred thousand. New Orleans has done the impossible… it’s made Washington, D.C., look like Mayberry in comparison.

We’re fighting to get the guns back to their lawful owners in New Orleans because it’s the right thing to do. We’re standing up for the Second Amendment, but we’re also standing up for the hundreds of people left defenseless by the city.

Can you imagine living in New Orleans without a firearm for protection? Can you imagine lying in bed at night, hearing the sirens come down your street, knowing that you could be next- and then remembering that the city still hasn’t given your guns back?

We’re fighting for a right, and we’re fighting for freedom, but we’re also fighting a city that prefers its citizens to be helpless against a growing tide of criminal terror.

Make no mistake: We won’t stop until we’ve won.