
A Suburban Raccoon

It’s surprising how some of the critters manage to survive in our neighborhood despite the traffic and human activity. We’ve seen squirrels, opossums, skunks and raccoons throughout the area, apparently getting regular meals.

Last night, this little ‘coon was in our yard, apparently interested in the bait in a rat trap. It must have set the trap off (I hope it didn’t hurt this little guy) and alerted our dog who promptly chased the little critter up the utility pole behind our house.


I guess after we brought the dog in the ‘coon slipped away into the night since we didn’t see or hear anything else afterwards.

Banner Tow Early Warning System

Summertime brings outdoor crowds going to the seashore, theme parks, sporting events and what have you. Where you have outdoor crowds, you will have airplanes towing advertising banners in circles above the crowds. But they do have to refuel from time to time. And since the local airport is a banner-tow base, they generally pass close overhead departing from and returning to home base.

Our protective pets see these guys as aerial intruders and carry on with barking and growling as soon as they hear the airplane engines laboriously towing the extra weight. I can’t notice the difference, but they seem to. Remarkably, they couldn’t care less about other airplanes flying in the same pattern or low-flying helicopters. But let a helicopter pass with a banner behind it (yes there are a few) and the dogs go bat-shit crazy!

Oh, and there’s the Other Dog

In stark contrast to Bear, this is Moon. They are both from the same litter but I find it hard to believe sometimes. This one is broke.

Now don’t get me wrong — she is gentle and loves everyone and has a good disposition. Just a few bad habits (or instincts maybe) — she digs up the garden and occasionally eats vegetation that disagrees with her (picture messes to clean up), so she has to stay in the dog run most of the time. Not to worry, though, the Mama (that would be me) spends quality time with both dogs and sees that they get water and treats and (believe it or not) gourmet dog food daily. We save meat scraps in the freezer, and concoct “slump” for them: boiled meat scraps in rice with chicken or beef stock served over the traditional dry dog chow. Oh yeah, they love their Mama.

My Canine Companion

Update: Welcome to Lorie Byrd viewers! Thanks for the link Lorie!

This is “Bear.” She is a German Shepherd and Labrador mix. Bear is an exceptionally bright girl and is my constant companion at home. Always the protector of the Mama (that would be me), she lets me know when squirrels run the wires overhead or when geese fly by and even if an airplane towing a banner approaches. I guess if there is ever a paratrooper drop in the area, Bear will let me know.

She just got home from the groomer when I took this picture of my pretty friend.