
Wiley E. Coyote

This morning, we departed through the RV pull-thru to go to the dentist. As we approached the wash to the west of the house, we observed a coyote limping up the wash. I was about 30 feet from the animal when I took this image. It is partially obscured by the intervening brush.


I noticed that the coyote had a slight limp as it loped up the wash and out of sight. When I related the observation to one of the technicians at the dentist office, she informed me that coyotes often feign injury to attract dogs who might attack only to become prey to the wiley coyote. Click on the image to enlarge.

One Year Ago Today

Exactly one year ago today, we stopped at a rest stop along I-10 near Whitewater, CA, on our way back to the California House. The Arizona house would be scheduled to start construction in a couple of days, so this was a short visit before heading back to Arizona. I posted this story and image of a roadrunner we saw at the rest stop. We have seen several roadrunners at the Arizona house, but I have yet to capture an image of them.

We were at a rest stop today among Interstate 10 when this handsome road runner darted across the dog area. I guess it should be labeled “dog and road runner area.” The species in this picture is called Geococcyx. I think they look like prehistoric birds, but here he is. Click on the image to enlarge.


Semper Vigilans – Canine Style

Cabela perches herself on the top of the love seat in the great room to keep watch out the front window. Semper Vigilans is the motto of the Civil Air Patrol: Always Vigilant. In her case, she is in early warning mode, since she will sound the alarm at almost any activity in front of the house. Click on Damsel’s image to enlarge.


Squeaky Toys

Our little Cabela, a miniature pincher, enjoys playing with her toys. She leaps from the sofa to the love seat and back while we chase her in a game of keep away around the cocktail table in the great room every evening. Here she is capturing one of the several toys she has in her inventory.

We adopted this wonderful little pet just under a year ago. We were so lucky to be the first in line to apply as ‘parents’ to Cabela, who is now a complete family member. Click on the image to enlarge.


Thresher Thief


I guess we won’t be harvesting any of the saguaro fruit this season since the birds seem to gorge themselves on the fruit before we can get them to ripen on the cactus. This is a curve billed thresher helping itself to the pears on the saguaro this morning. We call this the “Skut Farcas” bird because of the yellow eyes – YELLOW EYES!! (Reference – “A Christmas Story” – a quotation by Ralphie.) Click on the image to enlarge.

Wren Pen

wren-pen.jpgOur new spa should be delivered sometime during this coming week. In the meantime, there is one bay of the screened enclosure still open so we can get the spa placed on the patio. We are looking forward to both having the spa installed and the patio finished.

Today, Damsel took this image of a cactus wren that found its way into the patio. She flushed the wren out with a straw broom and it flew out to the mesquite tree behind the RV pull-through. A few minutes later, the bird came back into the patio. We think it may have been trying to get out of the sun on this 108° day.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Blackhawk Down (In A Mesquite Tree)


This is my first time to photograph a black-hawk over the house. I first thought it to be a turkey buzzard, but it perched on a mesquite tree behind the house. Buzzards (vultures) seldom perch in trees during daylight hours. I took a closer look and could see it wasn’t a buzzard. As it took off, I got several shots of this magnificent bird. The image above was one of the better shots. Click on the image to enlarge.