I took this photo of a Desert Mallow wildflower as we walked back from the car show. There was a honey bee deep in the bud collecting nectar. Although today was a beautiful spring-like day, the forecast calls for a chance of showers tonight and tomorrow, with cooler temperatures in the wake of the rain passage. Click on the image to enlarge.
Harris Hawk Sighting
We were out walking the dogs on a beautiful spring-like day today, when a large bird flew across the road about 200 feet east of us. We couldn’t get a real good look at it, but I think it was the Harris’ Hawk that we have seen hanging around the area this winter. The little birds that are attracted to our bird feeder out back are scarcely seen when this raptor comes around.
I took this picture of the hawk in flight a few weeks ago near our back yard. Click on the image to enlarge.
Overtures to Spring
Over the last couple of days, we have noticed a curve billed thrasher or two, hanging around our transplanted saguaro cactus. When the crew installed the cactus in August, it had a couple of abandoned bird nests in the arms. Today, the thrasher was in one of the nests singing a different tune. Instead of its usual wit-WEET call, it was making a warbling, squeaky, hurried song, which we think is a mating call.
We had thrasher chicks last spring and summer in a nest in a nearby cholla cactus. It was low enough that we could walk over to it and take photos with eggs and then chicks, in the nest. The saguaro is a different proposition; this nest is eight feet above the ground, so we won’t be able to get a camera up there. Click on the image to enlarge.
Upside Down Thistle Feeder
We have a new goldfinch feeder – a Perky Pet Upside Down Thistle Feeder. We got it from Amazon.com last week just to try it out.
The product description on Amazon follows:
Keep undesirable house finches and larger birds away from your finch feeders with this unique finch feeder. It’s designed to attract goldfinches, who can easily feed upside down while other species cannot. Holds up to 2 pounds of thistle seed or finch mix. Features plastic squirrel-resistant cap and perches. Cap slides along a hanging bail for ease of filling. Weather-resistant 18 inch feeder tube. Six upside-down feeding ports & perches. Feeder empties completely leaving no residue.
The feeder hangs from a garden crook just outside of the courtyard where we can see it through the front window. Click on the image to enlarge.
Feather of a Fallen Dove
It is an almost daily occurrence to find tail feathers from a mourning dove or some other unfortunate prey of the many hawks and other raptors that hunt the blue skies of Arizona. This one softly landed on the Sedona rocks that cover our RV drive and much of the landscaped part of the property. Click on the image to enlarge.
Green Hummingbird
Although winter is here, the cardinals, thrashers, woodpeckers, finches, cactus wrens and the tiny hummingbirds can still be seen frequenting the feeders. This tiny green guy was perched in a creosote by the wash in our backyard. It didn’t fly off even though the camera lens was about five feet away. Click on the image to enlarge.