
Desert Spiny Lizard

Desert Spiny Lizard

I flushed this Desert Spiny Lizard the other morning when loading some aluminum cans into the truck. The lizard didn’t scurry under a rock right away, so I was able to get this shot of it still on the rocks where the bags with cans had been.

We have seen it several times since hiding near the compost where it (presumably) eats insects attracted to the heap. Cabela tries to give chase to the lizard when going out for a walk, but we don’t let her get close.

Feeding The Hummingbirds

Feeding The Hummingbirds

I added an additional hummingbird feeder at the other end of the patio last week. Now there are two feeders, but the little hummers still seem to bicker over who gets to feed where. No matter, though, we have seen as many as four at a time perched or hovering at the feeders. The fact that they go dry every few days says someone must be getting fed! Click on the image to enlarge.

Walking The Dogs

Walking The Dogs

Damsel and I take the dogs for a little walk after their breakfast. Today, she went ahead while I was recycling some kitchen scraps. I took this picture of them as they were coming back down the road just west of the house. The hot weather is here, and the pups are anxious to get back inside where it’s cooler as you can see from the leash tension. Click on the image to see the wider-angle view.

Koi and Waterlilies

Koi and Waterlilies

We took Mom to the podiatrist today. I walked out into the courtyard next to the physician’s suite and took photos of this lovely koi pond with flowering waterlilies. Some of these koi were quite huge. You don’t see this in the Arizona high desert very often. Click on the image to enlarge.

Thrasher Eggs


A pair of curve billed thrashers built a nest in a cholla in front of our house. They have three eggs in the nest as of today. We hope to be able to get photos of the birds feeding the hatchlings soon. Click on the image to enlarge.

Curve Billed Thrasher in a Cholla Cactus

Curve Billed Thrasher

I took this photo of one of the several curve billed thrashers that have been hanging around the area. There are several pairs that have built nests which should be filled with eggs soon. I hope to get some photos of the thrashers and their chicks without disturbing them this spring.

I’m not sure what the bird has in its bill, maybe a seed or something for its mate. Click on the image to enlarge.