Our travels took us to Surprise, AZ today to do a little shopping and a doctor’s follow-up appointment. The landscape in the parking lot of the doctor had a succulent (a type of agave, we’ve been told) in bloom. Near the bottom of the photo in the center is a tiny hummingbird gathering nectar from the flowers. Click on the image to enlarge.
Ed – Thanks Crotalus for the correction on the flower type.
Our flowering plum tree in the courtyard is getting more mature. All of a sudden over the past few days, the bare branches seem to be covered with these tiny blossoms.
I took several photos of the flowers today, most of them included bees busily gathering nectar. Between the plum tree, and the fifty rosemary bushes on the RV drive hill, the bees must be producing a lot of honey in hives somewhere near here courtesy of our flowering plants. The bees will be busy with some cactus flowers very soon. Click on the image to enlarge.
Since about a week ago, we have observed several turkey buzzards (vultures) circling above our area. These scavengers seem to migrate away from us during the colder months, but they are back in force.
Damsel took this photo of a gaggle of the buzzards overhead as we were driving down US 60 on our way to town for an appointment and to do some shopping at one of the “bigger” stores down in the west valley (Wal Mart). Click on the image to enlarge.
It seems to us that this many buzzards would indicate nothing but warm temperatures ahead. We’re still waiting for our favorite time of the year when the daytime temperatures go into triple digits. We think the buzzards like it too.
There is a large aquarium tank in the office of one of Bob’s doctors. There are several exotic tropical fish and some living coral in the tank. I was waiting in the office before our appointment and took this photo of a clownfish hanging around the coral. I guess it is their natural defense from predators to hide among the coral. I had to wait quite a while for one of the two clownfish in the tank to swim into view of my camera. Click on the image to enlarge.
The Budweiser Clydesdale Horse Team was one of the featured units in the Gold Rush Days Parade today. They were there, complete with the Dalmatian mascot. What a magnificent assemblage of horseflesh! Click on the image to enlarge.
As I mentioned on the other blog, I didn’t attend today, but Damsel took over 300 hundred photos of all the activity. I enjoyed looking at the photos but I wish I could have seen the Clydesdales. Next year, I should be OK.
I wandered around our little patch of desert this morning taking photos. I captured pictures of cacti, critters, rock garden, etc.
My original purpose was to get up on the hill out back and take pictures of the top of the RV to see if there would be any problems installing the new cover we ordered for it. It looks like there are no objects to adversely impact the installation.
The slideshow leads off with “the big guy,” our saguaro cactus out front, followed by Damsel’s rock and cactus garden, one of the hidden hedgehog cacti up on the hill, a view of our neighbor’s house on the hill across the little wash, quail and a squirrel snacking on critter crunch, a compass barrel cactus on the hill, beavertail prickly pear cactus in the landscape cover, a place on the hill under a palo verde tree, a desert lizard and another hedgehog in the river rock landscape cover.
We went out for a doctor’s appointment today and saw the rodeo guys warming up for the weekend events. There sure are a lot of horses, cows and trailers in town these days. We’re not complaining though, the town can use the revenue generated by the cowboys and cowgirls. Click on the image to enlarge.