
Lap Dog

What a beautiful fall day here in Southern California! We have waited all summer for the weather to be as agreeable as it is in our new Arizona home. It was sunny and warm, about 88° on our patio. I took this photo of Cabela relaxing on the patio swing with “Daddy.” Click on the image to enlarge.


Goodbye Old Faithful Printer

HP 4LAfter nearly twenty years, my old Hewlett Packard 4L Laserjet printer finally bought the farm. The venerable old printer started misfeeding the paper last night causing jams and errors. I tried troubleshooting it for a while but it stubbornly refused to cooperate. So I disconnected it from the network and loaded it up to go to the HAZMAT recycle center on Friday. I have a bunch of other HAZMAT items boxed up so the timing is right.

Image: HP 4L – Click to enlarge

Even before showing signs of failure, it started getting hard to find toner cartridges for the old printer. Fortunately, one on-line source came through a couple of years ago when I ordered a couple of toner cartridges. I used one up and the last one we had started to exhibit signs of going out of toner.

The last time I installed the printer on the new laptop, I had a difficult time locating an on-line source for a proper printer driver. I guess the signs were all there that the time has come for a new printer.

We will be in the market for a new printer when the new house in Arizona is complete. In California, we’re going to scout out and buy a cheapie printer to use until we finally get the house on the market.

First Plumeria

Dozens of plumerias in the neighborhood have had flowers for weeks, but for some reason, my plumerias are usually late. However, they are reliable and produce flowers every year. Click on the image to enlarge.
