
Over 10 Million Served

This morning, the meter on the Never Forget graphic animation tribute ticked over 10 million. Seen on hundreds of blogs and websites in countries around the world, this little tribute reminds us of what happened on 9/11/2001 and that we must not forget and keep our resolve to defeat terrorism and Islamofacism wherever and whenever we must.

In the interest of completeness, the graphic was updated around the time that Flight 93 appeared in theaters to include an image of the makeshift memorial in that Pennsylvania field.

Books, Blogs and Networking

The over-exercised term “networking” seems to be in wider use because it can be applied to many things. For example, your brain and nervous system are a network; the behavior of certain “social” insects (bees, ants, etc.) is a form of networking; the interaction between objects in the solar system can be described as a network; the relationship between people’s political leanings and the books they buy or the blogs they read can be modeled as a network.

Researchers at the University of Michigan have developed algorithms to analyze networks to detect trends and predict behavior.

New analysis of networks reveals surprise patterns in politics, the web

When analyzing buyers of political titles purchased through Amazon, they found this interesting relationship:

For instance, researchers used the algorithm to sort books sold on into left- and right-wing groups, and they found the book most appealing to conservatives was actually written by Democrat Zell Miller.

Miller, the former governor of Georgia and U.S. senator, angered Democrats by endorsing George Bush during the last presidential election. Miller’s book, “A National Party No More, The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat,” was the book most central to the community of conservative book buyers, according to researchers.

When analyzed using Newman’s method [associate professor Mark Newman, who developed the technique], the network of books separated into four communities, with dense connections within communities and looser connections between them. One community was composed almost entirely left-wing books, and the other almost entirely of right-wing ones. Centrist books comprised the other two categories. The computer algorithm doesn’t know anything about the books’ content—it draws its conclusions only from the purchasing patterns of the buyers—but Newman’s analysis seems to show that those purchasing patterns correspond closely with the political slant of the books.

When it comes to political blogs, the algorithm shows that we tend to link to like-minded blogs while seldom crossing over to the other side:

In another example, Newman used the algorithm to sort a set of 1225 conservative and liberal political blogs based on the network of web links between them. When the network was fed through the algorithm, it divided cleanly into conservative and liberal camps. One community had 97 percent conservative blogs, and the other had 93 percent liberal blogs, indicating that conservative and liberal blogs rarely link to one another. In a further twist, the computer analysis was unable to find any subdivision at all within the liberal and conservative blog communities.

Now, I am certainly not qualified to analyze the psychology of this behavior, but I do know that people tend to gravitate towards the set of values and ideas that they hold as their own. I am not sure that I find this tendency “surprising.”

Moving to New Server

Cap’n Bob & the Damsel will be transitioning to a new server this week. I expect there to be some period where access is not available, and a period where restoration to full functionality will be taking place. I apologize in advance to users of our blog and users of our Never Forget 9/11 Tribute. I hope to have most functionality restored quickly.

Note: if you are displaying the tribute on your site, you won’t have to do anything special. I have tested this using Firefox™ and IE6™ and both browsers handle the missing resource gracefully.

This will be the last post until after the transition.

101st Fighting Keyboardists

This post tracks back to Captain Ed’s sign-up page for the 101st Fighting Keyboardists. We tried signing in through the TypePad thingy, but after a dozen times of trying to log in, I gave up being told that my sign-in attempt failed over and over. I even got the password mailed to me and still no soap. Oh well.

At any rate, we would like to join the brigade when things settle down — it’s been very well received over the past few days, and Captain Ed must be overwhelmed. I understand since I had to give up trying to keep track of all the sites displaying our Never Forget Tribute graphic.

You can see the sign-up page at Captain’s Quarters.

Server Problems Persist

I have been in contact with the ISP on our access speed problems. They seem to be overwhelmed with issues, and I am still waiting for them to get the speed problem resolved.

UPDATE: It seems like the problem has now been fixed. I still have not heard from the ISP administrator regarding the resolution, but I will pass that along when I do.

UPDATE II: Apparently, the server they have me on is an older one where the bandwidth is limited and the processor time as well. Since WordPress and my other applications use PHP scripting, the server limited the number of scripts that could run simultaneously. They have increased my script allotment, but warned that I ought to upgrade to the new servers. This will require that I shut the site down for 12-24 hours, with the possibility of having to restore lost items — I need to think about this and plan accordingly. More on it later.

ISP Status Update

I am in contact with the ISP to try and resolve the access speed problem. I hope to have it resolved today, but may need to upgrade the account to handle increased traffic in the near future. Thanks for your patience.

ISP Problems

Over the past couple of days, our Internet Service Provider has been experiencing problems with content delivery speed. I’m not sure if it’s an attack or if the ISP is at fault. Bear with us while we resolve the issue. Since it’s a weekend, the technical service folks are not available.