
Kent State Still  in Denial over Terrorist Professor

kent.gifIt’s been a couple of weeks since reports of a Kent State University professor with ties to a jihadi website were in the news. Recall that this guy posted our animated 9/11 tribute graphic on his terrorist website. What happened to this guy? Is there still any investigation going on into this treasonous academic?

Global Conservative has kept on top of this story despite it’s disappearance from national news outlets. Also, The Jawa Report posted follow-up article on March 6th regarding Kent State’s continued denial about the jihadi professor in their midst.

Regarding Islamotards

Update 3: The jihadi website is down – if we had anything to do with that, then we’re proud.

Update 2: We may have a block solution. I would appreciate feedback if it doesn’t work for you. Or, even if it does 🙂 .

Update: Big Dog has a post about the Jihadi Professor who is showing our graphic.

islamotard.jpgWe realize (as we have for a couple of months) that our Never Forget tribute has been posted on a jihad-promoting website. We are able to partially block it from that website, but some requests still get through. We’re working on another implementation of the blocker but can’t say for sure that it will work, nor can we forecast when, or if, the fix will be available.

Disclaimer: The appearance of our Never Forget banner on a website does not indicate that we endorse the opinions expressed on that website.

As far as some retarded Islamic weirdo posting a pro-America tribute that honors 9/11 victims and first-responders while implicating those responsible for the attacks, well, we might see it as a small point of truth embedded in a swamp of Islamic bulls**t.

We appreciate the eMails and feedback from concerned readers. Thank you all.

Upgrading from Blogspot

domainsImagine having your own domain name for your weblog — you know, like or or — think of how much cooler that would be than But wait — there’s more — you also get custom eMail addresses such as or or and so on. Setting up and managing your own weblog domain may be less expensive and easier than you think.

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The Greenbat Mentality

I take a large interest in the visitors to this site. I regularly scan the logs to see where the hits are from, which sites have linked to us, and what search keywords score hits from the search engines. At one point today, if you Googled “sunspots global warming hoax NASA,” you would see us at the top of the page of returned websites. It makes me glad to see that we’re having an impact, even if somewhat minor, on the discussion in the blogosphere.

I also look at some of the referring sites to read some of the discussion there. One forum was in the referral list today, so I went there and looked at the thread. Someone had referenced our article Correlating Sunspots to Global Climate in a discussion about global warming. The person who referenced the article was in a cyber-discussion with some of those folks that have taken the position that warming is indeed an anthropogenic artifact rather than looking at the actual science involved.

After the link to the article was posted, one of the Al Gore fans responded after having looked at our website and the article. Despite the references in the article to peer-reviewed sources and the obvious relationship between sunspot count and global temperature, this individual dismissed the science because it was on a conservative website. He wrote: “Wow, capnbob’s blog… A far right wing website where he goas [sic] on and on with temper tantrums about democrats. I don’t see any scientific proof. [name deleted] are you and capnbob the same person?”

Typical of most liberal thinkers, this misguided individual is blind to the truth merely because the source is from someone who disagrees with their political views. Quoting an old adage, “there are none so blind as those who will not see” applies to this case of Greenbat induced myopia.

Feedback From Iraq

cactus_email_anim.gifWe get a lot of feedback from bloggers and others who display our Never Forget Tribute on their websites. Were always delighted to read everyone’s thoughts, especially when they come from a member of our wonderful armed services. Coconut Commando, a soldier recently returned to Iraq, took the time to share this nice note with us:

I got back in country a few days ago from being home for Christmas. I have to tell you that, despite the current political atmosphere and moronics by Washington, I was treated like royalty by everyone enroute home. From the flight attendants to other passengers going by. In Atlanta, when we got off the plane, people just stood by and clapped as we went by. I guess I’m just not accustomed to it. I just wanted to share this experience with you and your readers and let you know that we truly appreciate your kind words and support. I also wanted to thank you for making it possible for me to add your Never Forget Tribute on my blog. I think that is the most dangerous threat facing the United States right now, politicians and celebrities trying to make us forget September 11th. Take care and I hope this note finds you and yours doing well and have a great New Year! (AKA-Coconut Commando)

Be sure to visit Coconut Commando‘s excellent blog.

Twenty Million Hits

UPDATE: (04 JAN 2007) The counter passed the 20 million mark last evening at about 9:30 PM PST. Using the average hit rate as a guide, we should pass 30,000,000 hits in another 250 days!

Sometime later this evening, we will have exceeded 20 million hits on our Never Forget flash animation seen on hundreds of websites world wide.

We thank each and every website owner that has seen fit to display the graphic on their blogs or websites. The response has been much more than we originally anticipated and we appreciate every site.

The message is still clear — we must NEVER FORGET.

The current, dynamically updated statistics are seen below.

Our Favorite 2006 Posts

We decided to close out 2006 by recalling our favorite posts. Without hesitation, Damsel picked her photograph of Air Force One taken at the Ronald Reagan Library.

Stealth Air Force One?

Completely unedited, the photo to the right seems to make the vertical fin on Air Force One look almost invisible! What’s going on?

I took this photo from behind the famous aircraft on the 3rd mezzanine level of the Air Force One Pavilion in the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library when I noticed the unusual reflection pattern on the glossy surface of the rudder and vertical stabilizer. I knew immediately that I had a great shot! The lighting angles and the highly-polished surface of the airfoil rendered this intriguing optical illusion of near-invisibility.

See the full-size photo and read the rest of the post: Stealth Air Force One?

My favorite from this year is the animated article I wrote about why the Sun is the principal cause of global warming (and cooling).

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