Our choice this week for the Weblog of the Week (WOW) is Signal 94. Sig94 is a retired Police Lieutenant, currently serving as a law enforcement contractor in Central New York State.
Sig94 blogs about: idiots, law enforcement, celebrities, justice, carbon offsets, global warming, Australia, gun control, Israel, terrorists, Al Gore, scams, culture, lifestyle, Alexander Litvinenko, KGB, poison, polonium-120, and Vladimir Putin. Now that lineup is not only very entertaining, but aligns with core beliefs of good conservative Americans. A particularly good example is a recent article called Fatwa Free For All where Sig94 offers colorful commentary about some of the more eccentric rituals of Islam.
We’re glad to nominate Signal 94 as our pick for Weblog of the Week. Sig94’s link will hitchhike with our Never Forget Tribute for the week.