
Signal 94 – WOW

Our choice this week for the Weblog of the Week (WOW) is Signal 94. Sig94 is a retired Police Lieutenant, currently serving as a law enforcement contractor in Central New York State.

Sig94 blogs about: idiots, law enforcement, celebrities, justice, carbon offsets, global warming, Australia, gun control, Israel, terrorists, Al Gore, scams, culture, lifestyle, Alexander Litvinenko, KGB, poison, polonium-120, and Vladimir Putin. Now that lineup is not only very entertaining, but aligns with core beliefs of good conservative Americans. A particularly good example is a recent article called Fatwa Free For All where Sig94 offers colorful commentary about some of the more eccentric rituals of Islam.

We’re glad to nominate Signal 94 as our pick for Weblog of the Week. Sig94’s link will hitchhike with our Never Forget Tribute for the week.

Wake Up America — WOW

wowThis week’s pick for Weblog of the Week (WOW) is Wake Up America. This is a very popular blog with great articles on a variety of topics, many of which are pro-military and pro-freedom. We enjoy reading Wake Up America and are happy to place their link in the Never Forget tribute for this week.

Iraq War Today — WOW

Our selection for Weblog of the Week this week is Iraq War Today. IWT is always a good place to go for a military-oriented perspective on current news. Pam has a feature where she offers her “Two Cents Worth” on varying topics which is always interesting. We’re glad to feature Iraq War Today as our Weblog of the Week.

Widget Work

Last week, I saw a poster at Sharp as a Marble that inspired me to tackle a new sidebar widget project for our blog. It is a work-in-progress at this point, and I hope that I can get some suggestions and advice from those of you with an interest in this.

The idea is to pose the question of how you are prepared to cope with ever-increasing violence in suburban areas in light of the ever-decreasing police coverage and, of course, the constant attacks on your Second Amendment rights. We previously posted an article about how the police are spread too thin to protect everyone.

So have at it. Don’t hesitate to criticize what you see because it’s still an unfinished product. Consider what story you would like to tell with it and suggest away. As an extra incentive, I am willing to provide the resulting sidebar widget to anyone who is willing to help out.

The resulting product will be a Flash™ animated widget that fits in the sidebar or just about anywhere else on your web page. You can use the raw file or I will provide scripting to make it compatible with most browsers.

Update: By the way, if you don’t want to register for comments on this post, you may also email me at capnbob (‘at’) capnbob (‘decimal-point’) us, or use the secure feedback feature.

Update II: For the time being, user registration will not be required for commenting on this post.

Dr. Sanity — WOW

Dr. SanityThis week’s WOW selection goes to Dr. Sanity. Dr. Sanity is an M.D. practicing in psychology and aerospace medicine. She also runs a very popular and widely read weblog where she shares her common sense views on a variety of topics.

Dr. Sanity’s blog was a finalist in the 2006 Weblog Awards and for good reason. We enjoy visiting Dr. Sanity on the web often, and are pleased to select her site as our Weblog of the Week.

Dane Bramage – WOW

This week’s pick for Weblog of the Week is Dane Bramage. Dane is one of the original few websites to display the Never Forget Tribute. The Blog has a great deal of home-grown humor and always something interesting to see. We’re happy to name Dane Bramage as our Weblog of the Week (WOW).

dane.jpgFrom the Dane Bramage profile:

My name is Kevin. I am a fundamental conservative Christian Republican of African American ancestry. I work for a soap manufacturer in the IT department. I believe the world has gone absolutely insane and will rapidly get worse. I blame the liberals.

Photo egregiously stolen from Dane’s profile.