We don’t get a lot of hits here on Cap’n Bob & the Damsel when compared to some of the hit powerhouses on the net these days. But, thanks to the 200+ hits per day we get most days, we’re finally into six digits on the SiteMeter counter.
Today, Damsel took this photo of our Devil’s Tongue barrel cactus, which just got its first flower of the summer. Do ya think there might be 100,000 of those little pollen doodads in the middle of this little buttercup? Well I don’t have the time, inclination or image resolution to count ’em, but it looks like there could be.
At any rate, thanks to you who are regular visitors and thanks to all the Google image and search referrals, we’re now past the 100K milestone. Also we made another milestone earlier this month when our Never Forget Tribute, seen on hundreds of websites worldwide, passed the 40 million hits threshold.
Thanks to Damsel for all the beautiful pictures she takes, including this one. Click on the image for maximal magnamification.