
One Hundred Thousand and Counting

devils-tongue-flower.jpgWe don’t get a lot of hits here on Cap’n Bob & the Damsel when compared to some of the hit powerhouses on the net these days. But, thanks to the 200+ hits per day we get most days, we’re finally into six digits on the SiteMeter counter.

Today, Damsel took this photo of our Devil’s Tongue barrel cactus, which just got its first flower of the summer. Do ya think there might be 100,000 of those little pollen doodads in the middle of this little buttercup? Well I don’t have the time, inclination or image resolution to count ’em, but it looks like there could be.

At any rate, thanks to you who are regular visitors and thanks to all the Google image and search referrals, we’re now past the 100K milestone. Also we made another milestone earlier this month when our Never Forget Tribute, seen on hundreds of websites worldwide, passed the 40 million hits threshold.

Thanks to Damsel for all the beautiful pictures she takes, including this one. Click on the image for maximal magnamification.

Bad Behavior

logo-ghostIf you tried to comment here and got a weird message about “Your Internet Protocol address is listed on a blacklist of addresses involved in malicious or illegal activity,” please disregard the message.

We were using a plug-in called “Bad Behavior” which was supposed to protect us from spam bots and the like. Well, apparently the plug-in was compromised and started living up to it’s name by sending that message whenever any management functions were invoked, including comments and even posting blogs or managing the links list.

Quite frustrating until I found out what was causing it. The plug-in has been removed and all should be OK now. We also upgraded to the latest WordPress version.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Update: John A. reported more about the problem on Steve McIntyre’s Climate Report Blog:

All users should update to Bad Behavior 2.0.11 immediately to prevent being blocked from your own site.

Within the past two days users have found themselves blocked from their own sites while using recent versions of Bad Behavior. A third party blacklist which Bad Behavior queries recently began sending false positives for any IP address queried, causing everyone using Bad Behavior to be blocked. This issue is fixed in Bad Behavior 2.0.11.

The Great Crash of November ’07

The Great Crash of November ’07 is where we had two computers die within a few days of each other. First, the laptop stopped working and a couple of nights later, the power supply in my old desktop computer went out. This made me wonder what could be next. My question was answered the night before last when the big 36″ TV croaked with a loud snap and burnt smell right after. I’m not asking about anything else for fear of another self-fulfilling prophecy.

The hard drive in the old laptop started making noises that sounded just like somebody was doing something bad to a cat. It completely died shortly thereafter. I’m going to try and see if there is a way to recover the data from it, but if not, then it’s not going to be a big deal. Last year, I started backing up all our photos and other files to one of those monster external hard drives. We might lose some data, but at least it’s minimized.

Dell 1721 NotebookThe old Dell desktop didn’t lose any data – it just stopped working. I removed the hard disk from it and installed it into another desktop that we use upstairs. The upstairs computer is now downstairs to fill the gap caused by the failure. All of my old files are there although there are some problems activating some of the software I use. Also not a biggie since I can reinstall the software.

Moving the computer downstairs was the only the start of our recovery. The next step is shown in the image (click for a large view). The new Dell 1721 Notebook arrived yesterday as an early Christmas Present.

Now to figure out which flat-screen HDTV is going to replace the old smelly CRT-type TV.

Karen’s Korner – WOW

karen.jpgOur choice for Weblog of the Week (WOW) this week is Karen’s Korner.

Karen’s blog is filled with Americana and down-to-Earth views on interesting articles, news and humor. The blog is supportive toward our Military and posts articles and links to that effect. Karen doesn’t pull any punches in her commentary and offers sobering, to-the-point thoughts on topics at hand. Karen has a great weblog and we visit often.

We’re glad to select Karen’s Korner as this week’s Weblog of the Week. A link to Karen’s Korner will ride along with the Never Forget Tribute this week.

Cao’s Blog – WOW

sky-flag.jpgWe decided to select Cao’s Blog as our Weblog of the Week (WOW). Cao’s Blog is a very popular site and is always a good read. Today, on the eve of Independence Day, there is a guest post by Raven about the Grand Ole Flag.

From “About Cao’s Blog:”

My name, “Caoilfhionn” (key-lin) was given to me on a discussion forum a few years ago. It’s Irish Gaelic (and means slender and fair) and was shortened by my friends to “Cao”, which is pronounced “key”. People have pointed out that the name “Cao’s blog” could be “Chaos blog”, and in a sense that is apropos because what I write causes chaos in the minds of liberals, and for some reason what I write causes them to work themselves up into a rabid frenzy.

We’re pleased to select Cao’s Blog as Weblog of the Week. For the week, a link to Cao’s Blog will ride along with the Never Forget Tribute, seen on hundreds of websites worldwide.

Dragon Lady’s World — WOW

This week’s pick for Weblog of the Week is Dragon Lady’s World. The Dragon Lady runs a colorful weblog with a little something for each of our conservative cravings. On a personal note, Dragon Lady helped me resolve a technical issue a couple of months ago, so I know that she runs a tight ship over there.

On today’s DLW, the Dragon Lady posted this little meme about rating your weblog – silly enough, but I clicked on the link anyhow and made this discovery about the rating system; They will rate you “R” not only for using foul language, but for using words like “suicide,” “knife” and “gun.” This is a typical nanny-state/gun-grabber take on firearms and such in the name of “protecting” us.


Ridiculous? You bet! However there’s nothing ridiculous about Dragon Lady’s World. We’re happy to name her as our Weblog of the Week and her link will ride along with the Never Forget Tribute this week.

Ridgecrest Blog – WOW

We have selected a fellow Bear Flag League member, Ridgecrest Blog as this week’s Weblog of the Week (WOW).

sleepingcomputer.gifQuoting David, the proprietor, it’s about “A South Dakota boy blogging about life and stuff in Ridgecrest, a small town in California’s upper Mojave Desert. Ridgecrest is not the end of the world. But when the wind blows just right… you can smell it from here.”

David writes about his family, twins and all, and mixes in enough political sage stuff to render a blend of anecdotal humor and perspectives on the world. Quoting his FAQ page, “I’m not writing this for you. I’m writing it for me. If someone else besides me finds some enjoyment from it – great. If you find it boring and mindless then I’m sorry you chose to waste your time here being bored.”

We haven’t been bored yet. We’re happy to name Ridgecrest Blog as our Weblog of the Week.

Sleeping computer nerd graphic shamelessly stolen from Ridgecrest Blog

UPDATE: Ridgecrest Blog Responds.