Dragon Lady’s World — WOW

This week’s pick for Weblog of the Week is Dragon Lady’s World. The Dragon Lady runs a colorful weblog with a little something for each of our conservative cravings. On a personal note, Dragon Lady helped me resolve a technical issue a couple of months ago, so I know that she runs a tight ship over there.

On today’s DLW, the Dragon Lady posted this little meme about rating your weblog – silly enough, but I clicked on the link anyhow and made this discovery about the rating system; They will rate you “R” not only for using foul language, but for using words like “suicide,” “knife” and “gun.” This is a typical nanny-state/gun-grabber take on firearms and such in the name of “protecting” us.


Ridiculous? You bet! However there’s nothing ridiculous about Dragon Lady’s World. We’re happy to name her as our Weblog of the Week and her link will ride along with the Never Forget Tribute this week.
