
RV Camping in Phoenix and the Blog Bash

We decided to rent an RV and camp in Phoenix last week while attending the NRA Convention because we wanted to bring our dog, Bear. She’s eleven years old and we’re quite attached to her. Besides, Damsel and I had such a wonderful time camping out last December for our Winter RV Cruise, that we knew this would be fun.

One problem we had because the dog with us, was a logistical balance between getting her in a doggie day care center near the campground and getting transportation to the Convention. We wanted to go to the exhibits on Friday and did OK with that, but we had traffic, parking and proximity to the Center problems because of the overwhelming attendance. By the time we finished with the exhibit hall, it was time to head back to doggie day care and thence back to the RV.

One thing that needs to be said is that without Bitter and the 2A Bash groundwork, we would have waited in the two-hour lines to even get into the place. We got our stuff in the media room and headed into the exhibits. Thanks again to the organizers and to the NRA staff.

We’re sorry we didn’t have the chance to attend the Bash meetings and mingle in the media room. I actively looked at people in the exhibit hall hoping to spot another blogger and say hello, but that seemed to be a needle in the haystack proposition. Plus the guns and exhibits were there to distract us, naturally.

Eventually, we will be able to hook up with some of the other bloggers. We especially would like to meet Bitter and Sebastian to personally thank them for their help this year. I’m going to be retired next year and I assume we will have more time to get involved.

It was fun – I composed this panorama while we were parked in the campground – we’re the Cruise America rig in the middle. Several of the other rigs in this row were also there with NRA folks. Click the panorama for full size.


Database Server Problems

ServerWe have been experiencing problems with the database server over the last 36 hours or so. I am advised that there may be additional periods of interruption, so please be patient if that should occur.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Server Upgrade


We’re currently backing up the website files and database. When that is concluded, we’re going to be off line for a while while our Internet Services Provider (ISP) moves us to a bigger and faster server. Hang in there if things aren’t working since there will be an IP address change that will result in the Domain Name Servers having to re-associate the IP with the URL. We might be gone for several hours while that is happening.

Tribute Counter

A couple of days ago, our server upgraded the operating system, which managed to break some of the scripts I use for this site. It turned out to be a good thing, because I re-wrote some of the scripts using more up-to-date features. One of those features is AJAX or Asynchronous JavaScript And XML which is said to be “JavaScript on Steroids” by some.

ttrib-stats.jpgI had been wanting to make the readout of the hit counter on the “Never Forget” tribute a dynamically-updated widget, so I went to work and made it happen. Now, when you look at the tribute statistics in the sidebar, you will see the counter update in (more or less) real-time as the tribute is served up to yet another website. The rate at which it increments is higher during day and evening hours in the U.S., so I presume most of the people seeing it are in the western hemisphere.

As of this posting, the counter is about ready to roll past 48 million hits – wow!

Disclaimer: if you don’t have JavaScript enabled, you will not see the counter.

Charting the Browsers at CB&D

I was looking at the server statistics logs today and the browser type stat aroused my interest. I decided to take the figures and put them into a graphical format.

Even though our blog doesn’t get a very large number of hits, the Never Forget Tribute gets over 1500 hits per hour. When a browser is JavaScript enabled, it gets logged when it hits either the blog or the Tribute. Bottom line to this is I believe that the figures below are derived from a reasonably-sized sample. The figures were accumulated over the first week of 2009.


Clearly, Internet Explorer 6 and 7 have over half of the market. Firefox comes in second with over a quarter of the take. Last year, when I looked at this, there was more usage of IE 6 than 7 and more of Firefox 2 versus 3. That has changed as both Mozilla’s and Microsoft’s latest browsers have matured. Safari shows up better than Netscape and several other types which do not get named on the chart.

We appreciate all of our viewers regardless of their browser type.

Victory In Iraq Day

VI DayI’m a couple of days late on this, but there is movement in the blogosphere to proclaim last Saturday as “VICTORY IN IRAQ” day. I have placed this logo in the sidebar for a few days with a link to the Victory in Iraq website.

Despite clear signals from the military and others in a position to know that the war is won, you won’t see or hear much from the media. Congress won’t be declaring victory. The talking heads from the left will continue to trivialize the tremendous effect that the surge had in securing Iraq.

Worst of all, the men and women of our armed forces that took part in this significant achievement will be coming home to the complacent masses who don’t know why they voted the way they did except it ‘felt right.’

We commend our armed forces and wish the best for them as they return to their civilian or military regular jobs. Good work folks, and God Speed.

Hat tip to Kini who put the bug in our ear about this.

Warthog Courtesy Call

WarthogI got a call today from Kerby Smith, the director of communications and public relations for Para Ordinance Firearms; he called to follow up on Damsel’s Warthog. Kerby arranged a factory return for the pistol after learning about the problems Damsel was having with it.

We talked about several issues concerning short-barrel .45s. We touched on the topics of lube and maintenance, ammunition, shooting procedures and what to do when you get a misfeed. Kerby seemed to be very knowledgeable about his product line and offered suggestions for us to get the best performance from the Warthog.

I have to say that the Warthog requires a little more in the way of TLC, but it is a very nice gun and Damsel loves it in spite of its history. I also have to say that I’m very impressed with Para’s support of their products and the lengths to which Kerby Smith went to make sure Damsel would be happy with the pistol.

Kerby mentioned that he will be participating in the Para-sponsored Bloggers event at Blackwater where Michael Bane, Ahab, Robb Allen, Sebastian, Say Uncle and others are headed this weekend. Have fun, guys and gals, shooting those Para Pistols.