Ramirez’ response to Obama’s veiled threat to act unconstitutionally made during the SOTU . . .
Beltway Kabuki
The “Oquarium”
Read “Obama Affordable Care Act Hurts Twice As Many As It Helps” at Investor’s Business Daily.
Both cartoons via Michael Ramirez. Click on the images to enlarge.
A lot of Republicans share the blame for this disaster, but not in proportion to the blame levied by Democrats and the complicit media. Michael Ramirez presents yet another interesting and colorful graphic about the state of the nation . . .
Selective Law Enforcement
Ramirez‘ depiction of AG Eric Holder in the capricious act of picking flower petals to determine whether to enforce the law is somewhat inaccurate. Make no mistake about it – this administration will only enforce the laws necessary to drive America into ruin and Socialism.
A History Of Lies
Ramirez nicely captures Al Sharpton‘s legacy as a race-baiting liar:
Add the Obama administration to the hanging tree, with both the President and Attorney General jumping on the bandwagon of lies.