Beltway Kabuki

Jump Shot

Here’s an example of the due diligence given to the economy and jobs by the administration . . .

Jump Shot

From Fox Business:

Payrolls increased by 88,000 last month following a revised 268,000 gain in February, with the disappointing report following two others this week that also cast a negative view on the labor market.

“We can now add the monthly employment report to the growing list of data points that simply haven’t met expectations,” Dan Greenhaus, chief global strategist at BTIG LLC in New York, said in emailed comments.

After falling 171 points, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) recovered the lions share of its losses to end at 14,565.25, down 0.3% for the session and 0.1% for the week.

Cartoon via The Patriot Post.

Hope and Change

Ramirez shows what hope and change actually means . . .

Hope and Change

From Fox Business:

The gloomy March payroll report released Friday morning delivered the clearest evidence yet that the U.S. economy still hasn’t reached escape velocity. The weakest jobs report since June 2012 also deals a blow to talk of an early exit by the Federal Reserve, which appears poised to keep its foot firmly planted on the easy-money gas pedal.