Beltway Kabuki

Medicare Premium Rate Going Up – A Lot

caduceus.gifI received the following information from a longtime friend and former colleague. His source was an administrator in the Blue Cross Health System. I did some double checking and made corrections based on previous and current medicare premiums.

Although this information is to the best of my knowledge, it may not be completely accurate. However, it reflects an over 250 percent increase from the 2010 to 2014 rate. The jump in the 2013 to 2014 rate alone is over 205 percent:


For those of you who are on Medicare, read the following. It’s short, but important and you probably haven’t heard about it in the Mainstream News:

The per person Medicare Insurance Premium will increase from the 2010 Monthly Fee of $96.40, rising to:

$99.90 in 2012

$120.20 in 2013


$247.00 in 2014.

These are provisions incorporated in the Obamacare Legislation, purposely delayed so as not to confuse the 2012 Re-Election Campaigns. Seniors should know who’s throwing them under the bus.

It figures that the administration would stick it to seniors, a weak demographic for them. If you are like me, having paid into this Ponzi scheme, just like social security, over all the years, you will be outraged.

Sinking of the Titanicalifornia


Arnold Ahlert writes at The Patriot Post about the victory of two cities last Tuesday night:

While most of the mainstream media focused their attention on Wisconsin and Scott Walker’s victory Tuesday night, an equally, if not more significant vote occurred in two California cities. Voters in San Diego and San Jose overwhelmingly approved cuts to retirement benefits for city workers.

. . .

All of the so-called current wisdom regarding government unions and their ability to sway politicians with massive campaign contributions and/or thuggish tactics is no longer current. In the space of a single evening, the aura of invincibility government unions have long enjoyed has been irreparably damaged.

How Do You Like Wind Farms Now?

eagle.jpgReaders here have long-known of our distaste for wind turbines. On our commute from Arizona to California and back, we traverse over forty miles along I-10 where the scenic desert landscape and snow-capped mountain peaks are obscured by the flailing fans.

Other than the asthetic downside, wind energy costs orders of magnitude more than coal or hydroelectric per kilowatt hour to produce. That means more cost to the consumer.

We have also known that these installations also endanger wildlife; now, it appears that The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a division of the Interior Department is going to make it OK for turbines to kill the previously endangered bald eagles:

From Planet Gore

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a division of the Interior Department, is considering loosening regulations on the killing of bald eagles, the national bird of the United States, to accommodate the development of wind energy sources.

A draft regulation first filed in April would allow businesses to apply for 30-year permits allowing them to kill bald eagles in the course of other legal activities. The length of those permits would be a six-fold increase over the five-year window allowed under current law.


The DNC’s New “FORWARD” Logo

I’m thinking it should be “DOWNWARD.” Notice the taxpayers – both present and future – hauling the pharaoh’s temple stones . . .


Democrats and the president don’t want you to look BACKWARD to view the massive spending and debt, the scandals and the two VERY BAD SCOTUS appointments made by the socialist bastich.