What They Didn’t Tell You Today

Not only do conservatives have to filter the BS out of print and broadcast media, but so do firearms enthusiasts and second-amendment rights advocates. And when we’re not filtering, we have to “fill in the gaps” where important news items have been editorially omitted.

Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association, determined to bridge the media gap, is now offering an online weblog to bring the views of gun owners and enthusiasts to the fore, as well as exposing those stories that go unreported in the mainstream media.

Doing my part, I now have an animated sidebar widget that takes you to the NRA News site. You can read Wayne LaPierre’s eMail announcement below the fold.

For 25 years at the NRA, I’ve had to play by the media’s rules.

I’ve had to put up with being misquoted, misrepresented or muzzled altogether, because what I had to say wasn’t politically correct or didn’t fit their anti-gun agenda.

No more.

On NRANews.com I now have my own daily blog called “What They Didn’t Tell You Today.”

And that’s exactly what it is.

Each day I’ll give you the facts behind the news that most media ignore, downplay or deny. And I’ll tell you what I think about it.

It may not be pretty, and you may not agree with me.

But it’ll be bare-knuckled, straight from the heart and everything mainstream media isn’t.

Log on to NRANews.com and find out for yourself “What They Didn’t Tell You Today.”

It’s my turn now.

Wayne LaPierre
Executive Vice President
National Rifle Association of America

Go and check it out.
