March of the Penguins

The March of the Penguins documentary about the Emperor Penguins in Antarctica – Awesome! Damsel and I watched the feature first and then the behind-the-scenes footage on how they shot this amazing film. The following is a comment from sam-650 via IMDB, which closely echoes our sentiments:

This is perhaps the most amazing animal documentary ever. The footage was gathered in what truly must be “the harshest place on earth”. It is barren, cold beyond cold and then there is the endless night of winter. The underwater footage was my favorite, but every single frame is magnificent. I can’t wait for the DVD, so I can see how the filmmakers did this.

The narration is less objective than it is romantic – making it less a true documentary than a story, but that is fine in this case, and Morgan Freeman does a great job. You really should make the effort to see this on the big screen – it is absolutely stunning!
