Annual Uro Checkup

Damsel and I drove down to the West Valley today for what has become and annual checkup of my bladder. The urologist and crew use a cystoscope to take a peek into my bladder via the urinary tract to examine for any possible recurrence of the cancer that was resected a little over 10 years ago. The image above shows the monitor where the video is displayed when the ‘scope is connected to it and inserted into the urinary tract.

Today’s procedure went well and detected no cancer recurrence. I do have a sub-optimal condition in my right kidney and the size of the ureter (tube connecting that kidney to the bladder) was a bit smaller than the left side ureter, but the Urologist seemed to think this was no big deal.

The procedure was quick and mostly painless save for a little discomfort during the exam itself and the slight burning sensation when urinating the first couple of times afterwards. I have had this procedure many times (I estimate 15??) since the original diagnosis and never have had to been anesthetized. At any rate, we’re done with it for another year.

I am still working on my US Naval Service History and will be posting those blogs sometime soon.
