I had some problems with making it work with the newer versions of the PHP server-side software that the ISP uses. There were some minor, but show-stopping changes to the software that killed the Ephemeris code that ran on the old Minstrel site. I spent a couple of hours debugging the code yesterday and now have the prototype running again in the “Solar Ephemeris” page. Click on the link or select the page from the sidebar. Disclaimer: it’s still a work in progress and is subject to formatting changes.
One of these days, I might start on an interactive widget where users can put in their own geographical coordinates to see the sun’s daily times for their location.
Works fine here!
Thanks, DrJim. I really missed having the quick reference to sun stats over the last couple of years since the Minstrel went down.
I’m looking forward to upgrading the widget for user inputs. All in good time, given my motivation and inspiration. LOL