Snake Season

KingsnakeLast night, one of the dogs discovered a kingsnake under on of my planters outside of the patio. I pulled him away from it and walked elsewhere while he did his business. Tomorrow would be soon enough to check out if it was dead or had slithered away.

When we went out this morning to inspect the snake, it was still there – dead. Bob took a pair of garden tongs I use for handling cacti and tossed the snake up into the west part of the lot. Something will dispose of it, we supposed.

Turkey BuzzardWe supposed correctly. A bit later in the afternoon, a pair of Turkey Buzzards were flying low over the area while another landed over in the area where the snake carcass had been tossed.

We did not actually see the buzzards removing the snake, but an inspection of the area where it got tossed showed no sign of snake remains. Desert nature at work. Click on the images to enlarge.
