October 2011

Second Spring

Our landscaper recently referred to October as being the “second spring.” You can see that this compass cactus agrees with him. Click on the image to enlarge.


Go Granny Go

A long time friend sent me this cool photo of a woman displaying her feelings about the current administration at a Wal-Mart somewhere:


Five Truths About Climate Change


Robert Bryce wrote a pretty good article in today’s Wall Street Journal. He breaks down the state of the climate change movement with these five truths:

  1. The carbon taxers/limiters have lost.
  2. Regardless of whether it’s getting hotter or colder—or both—we are going to need to produce a lot more energy in order to remain productive and comfortable.
  3. The carbon-dioxide issue is not about the United States anymore. Sure, the U.S. is the world’s second-largest energy consumer. But over the past decade, carbon-dioxide emissions in the U.S. fell by 1.7%.
  4. We have to get better—and we are—at turning energy into useful power.
  5. The science is not settled, not by a long shot.

Read the entire article for complete expansions on these five truths.

Mobile Mesquite

There is a mesquite tree between the RV entrance and the courtyard. I had the landscaping crew trim this tree a bit so I could have a place for wind chimes and mobiles. I got a sunburst mobile at Big Lots last week. I think it adds a little fall color to the yard. Click on the image to enlarge.


The Courtyard

Now that Summer is over, we expect to see some changes to the shrubs. The flowering plum (barely visible at the lower right) and the red birds will lose their leaves. The Cleveland sage bushes will keep their leaves and (hopefully) will come into bloom with fragrant little purple flowers. I will be getting some more statuary, a chiminea and a decorative southwest style bench. Click on the image to enlarge.


At The Dog Park


We took Bear, Cabela and Beethoven to the dog park today. Of course, there is a convenient fire hydrant available for the boy dogs. Here you can see Beethoven and Cabela inspecting it. Click on the image to enlarge.