Full Military Honors


Damsel’s Dad passed from us last week and today he was sent off with full military honors. He was a veteran of the US NAVY in the late 1940s through the early 1950s. The Cold War was fully in progress, and Dad’s Squadron was right in the thick of it all. He was a flight crew member and flew missions on the Navy version of the old B24 – the PB4Y-2 ‘Privateer.’ He flew missions all over the Mediterranean, Europe, the North Atlantic Ocean and back to the US for logistics and repairs.

The sailors who performed the honors were squared away and precise in their execution. We stood and saluted as one sailor sounded taps. The other sailor and the officer carefully and precisely folded the flag with crisp movements and presented the flag to Damsel’s Mom.

We will miss Dad, who was a wonderful family man and a really great guy.
