Telling Graphics from ICCC

When the International Conference on Climate Change met last month in New York, the purpose was not that of politicizing climate change, but rather to present the actual and relevant science on the topic. John Hinderaker at Power Line wrote about the ICCC event in his post today. “Dispelling the Global Warming Myth.”

I found these two graphics to be highly informative – both serve to show the normal oscillatory behavior of the climate cycle. The second chart demonstrates how divergent the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) data is from reasonable scientific expectations.

The first chart shows the actual temperature oscillations since the last great ice age, which was just about over some 12,000 years ago:

12,000 year temperature record

The second chart shows the oscillations after recovering from the little ice age with observed data for the last 130 years and projections in both directions on the time axis. Note the little green arrow which is pointing to a red dot where we are today – significantly below the so-called trend predicted by IPCC’s alarmists.

Little ice age recovery
